March 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Mar 1 09:21:18 UTC 2014
Ending: Sun Mar 30 09:45:02 UTC 2014
Messages: 117
- Appel: AiML 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: AiML 2014, Deadline Extension to 9 April 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Atelier Applications Pratiques de l'intelligence Artificielle @ RFIA 2014 (date limite 23/4)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Atelier IC&Sante, Report de la date de soumission au 16/03
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Atelier Web Intelligence @ RFIA 2014 (date limite 23/4)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Call for Demos, NLDB'2014, Montpellier, France
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Call for System Demonstrations, COLING 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CIAA 2014, Extended deadline
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CNL 2014, extended deadline 31 March 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CogALex-4, pre-COLING workshop with a shared task devoted to the 'lexical access-problem'
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CogALex-IV, Workshop co-located with Coling
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: COLING 2014, Call for System Demonstrations
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: COLING 2014 Update, Invited Speakers, Social Programme, Call for Papers and More
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Colloque Crealscience, Les etats anciens de langues a l'heure du numerique
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline Extension, 28 April 2014, Special issue of ACM TACCESS On Speech and Language Interaction for Daily Assistive Technology
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline Extension, Computer Speech and Language Special, Issue on Hybrid Machine Translation
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline Extension, ESWC'14 Challenge on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline Extension, WASSA 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Demo, TALN2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: EMNLP Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing & Shared Task on Automatic Arabic Error Correction
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESSLLI 2014 Student Session
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESSLLI 2015, First Call for Proposals
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014, Call for EU Project Networking
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014, Final Call for Challenge, Deadline Extension, Semantic Publishing
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014, Final Call for Challenge, Deadline Extension: Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014, Final Call for Challenge [Deadline Extension], Linked Open Data-enabled Recommender Systems
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014, Final Call for Demos, Deadline Extension 23 March 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESWC 2014 Final Call for Posters, Deadline Extension 23 March 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Extended deadlinen Arabic natural dialect processing, Workshop at ICCTIM2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: First Joint Workshop SPMRL-SANCL 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Hackathon Participation, WASSA 2014, @ACL 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: IC 2014, dernier appel a posters et demonstrations
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: IDEAS 2014 (Web and Text Intelligence Track), Extended Deadline, April 7, 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: IDEAS 2014, Data Preparation for Data Mining Track
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: IDEAS 2014, Web and Text Intelligence Track
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: JFIM 2014, Fes, date limite 31 mars 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: KI 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Logical Aspect of Computational Linguistics, deadline extension, March 24, 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Organisation de la Plate-Forme IA de l'AFIA 2015 (repondre avant le 28/3/14)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: PolTAL 2014 (9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing), Warsaw, 17-19 September 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: PolTAL 2014, Extended submission deadline to 5 April 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Prague Stringology Conference 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: RECITAL 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue Discours, numero Varia
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: revue TAL, Note de lecture (BRETONNEL)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Rules and Human Language Technology, RuleML 2014 Special Track
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SenticNet, ICML14 workshop on sentiment analysis
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SEPLN 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SEPLN 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Shared task on the 'lexical access problem', CogALex-IV Workshop
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SIGIR Medical Information Retrieval Workshop
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SLSP 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Special issue of ACM TACCESS On Speech and Language Interaction for Daily Assistive Technology
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TALN articles longs, extension au vendredi 7 mars
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TIPA n=?UTF-8?Q?=C2=B030=2C_?=Extension date de soumission
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TSD 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TSD 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: WACAI 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: WASSA 2014 @ACL 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: WoLLIC 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: WoLLIC 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: workshops, PROPOR 2014
Thierry Hamon
- ATALA: Adhesion 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Colloque A l'articulation du lexique, de la grammaire et du discours, 3 au 5 avril 2014, Paris 3
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=9330_?=April 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014, Tutorial on Computational modelling of metaphor, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26 April 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014, Tutorial on Recent Advances in Dependency Parsing, Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 April 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014 Tutorial in Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Learning, April 26, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL 2014 Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2014), April 26-27, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL workshop, Computational Linguistics for Literature, April 27, 2014, Gothenburg
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: EACL Workshop, Continuous Vector Space Models and their Compositionality, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 27, 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: LREC 2014, Deadline Extension for Early-Bird Registration, May 26-31 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: LREC 2014 Workshop, Language Technology Service Platforms, May 31, 2014, Reykjavik
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Workshop Fouille d'opinions dans le Web social, 10 avril 2014, Lyon
Thierry Hamon
- Cursus: European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL)
Thierry Hamon
- Cursus: The European Master's Program in Computational Logic, Application until 31 May 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Ecole: SSTiC 2014, March 15, 4th registration deadline
Thierry Hamon
- Habilitation: Agata Savary, Representation and Processing of Composition
Thierry Hamon
- Job: 3 Postes MCF en Informatique, CERI/Univ. Avignon, Langage/Reseaux/RO
Thierry Hamon
- Job: annotateurs Fran=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A7ais_?=et Allemand, ELDA
Thierry Hamon
- Job: CDI, Informaticien/Developpeur Web, Techlimed, Lyon
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Chercheur postdoctoral, Preferences sur l'ordre des complements du verbe en ancien francais
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Offre d'emploi LNE, Poste d'Ingenieur/ docteur Traitement Automatique de l'information
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Offre de stage Developpeur Web
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Open Position for Graduate Fellowship in Semantic Web Technologies, CNR-STLAB
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Post-Doc, Langage et cognition, Labex BLRI
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoctorat Terminologie/Linguistique, Atilf projet Termith (debut septembre 2014)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Poste de MC en Traitement Automatique des Langues
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Poste de professeur, Humanites Numeriques, Universite Stendhal Grenoble 3, 1er septembre 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Poste MCF 27, Aix-Marseille, LSIS, Systemes d'information (Recherche d'information, TAL...)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Poste MCF TAL, 27/7e, INALCO (Paris)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Poste MdC Informatique, Langage / Recherche et extraction, LIA (UAPV)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Recrutement d'un(e) MCF en Humanites numeriques, Universite de Lille 3
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Senior Technical Engineer / Scientist (Software team Manager), ELDA
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Speech Linguistic Project Manager, Google Speech Research
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Statistical Machine Translation Expert, CDI
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Viseo, Offre CDI recherche en data Mining
Thierry Hamon
- Journee: AFIA - ATALA, Langue, apprentissage automatique et fouille de donnees, Paris, 25 mars 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Journee: Journee Commune TAL & IA, 25 mars 2014, INALCO Paris
Thierry Hamon
- Journee: TOTh 2014, Formation
Thierry Hamon
- Livre: Challenges Of Discourse Processing, The case of technical Documents
Thierry Hamon
- Ressources: ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update
Thierry Hamon
- Revue: Revue DISCOURS, Numero 13
Thierry Hamon
- SciencePG: Fast Publication
Open Journals SPG
- Seminaire: Alexandre d'Aspremont, Traces digitales, 27 mars 2014, Universite de Paris Est Marne la Vallee
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage, James Pustejovsky, 2 seances (28 mars et 4 avril), Computational Models of Events
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Analyse automatique de documents multimedias (Jean Carrive, INA), 18 mars 2014, INALCO, Paris
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: LDI, Programme Mars 2014, Universite Paris 13
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: LIMSI, Diana McCarthy, 1 avril 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Session 3, Data, Digital methods and mapping social complexity, 27/03/2014, ENSCI
Thierry Hamon
- Soft: Logiciel TermSuite version 1.5
Thierry Hamon
- Stage: 2 Traineeship positions at the EC's 'Joint Research Centre' (JRC), Terminology discovery
Thierry Hamon
- Stage: Translitteration des noms propres pour l'extraction d'entites nommees, IRT SystemX
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Bourse de these cartographie musicale flechee "handicap", Avignon
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Deux bourses, Langage et Cognition, Labex BLRI
Thierry Hamon
Last message date:
Sun Mar 30 09:45:02 UTC 2014
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:16:06 UTC 2022
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