Appel: KI 2014
Thierry Hamon
hamon at LIMSI.FR
Tue Mar 18 21:08:22 UTC 2014
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:59:02 +1100
From: Michael Thielscher <mit at>
Message-Id: <681C6B5A-BF79-429F-8523-6AFCF7B3DCEA at>
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KI 2014 - The 37th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Stuttgart, September 22--26, 2014
KI 2014 is the 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and
industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing a premier forum
for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of
intelligent system technology. The technical program of KI 2014 will
comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety of workshops and
tutorials. KI 2014 will be co-located with Informatik 2014 (Annual
Conference of the German Informatics Society) and MATES 2014 (The 12th
German Conference on Multi- Agent System Technologies). The conference
invites original research papers from all areas of AI, its fundamentals,
its algorithms, its history and its applications.
You are invited to submit original research and application papers on
all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following:
- Agent-based and multiagent systems
- AI applications and innovations
- Cognitive modeling
- Commonsense reasoning
- Computer vision
- Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization
- Evolutionary computation
- Game playing and interactive entertainment
- Information retrieval, integration, and extraction
- Knowledge acquisition and ontologies
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Machine learning and data mining
- Multidisciplinary AI
- Natural language processing
- Planning and scheduling
- Robotics - Uncertainty in AI
- Web and information systems
We especially welcome application papers that provide novel insights on
the interplay of AI and the real world, as well as papers that bring
useful computational technologies from other areas of computer science
into AI.
======== Important Dates ========
Workshop/Tutorial submission: March 15
Full/Short Paper submission: May 1
Acceptance notification: June 23
Final version due: July 4
KI Workshops and Conference: September 22-26
======== Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium ========
Together with the main conference, we plan to organize a small number of
high-quality workshops and tutorials. We especially encourage workshops
organized by AI Special Interest Groups (GI-Fachgruppen), workshops that
bring together researchers from different disciplines, and workshops
that highlight emerging topics of AI research. Tutorials should target a
large percentage of conference participants, including graduate students
as well as experienced researchers, and practitioners.
The technical program of KI2014 is also complemented by a doctoral
consortium that invites participation by PhD students at any stage and
from any subject area within AI. The KI doctoral consortium is organized
as a joint event with the doctoral program of Informatik 2014, and
includes a mentoring program, a PhD workshop, and poster presentations.
For details on submitting workshop and tutorials and for applying to the
doctoral consortium, please see the KI2014 web page.
======== Submission ========
Submitted papers, which have to be in English, must not exceed 12 pages
in Springer LNCS style for full technical contributions and 6 pages for
short papers. Full technical papers are expected to report on new
research that makes a substantial technical contribution to the
field. Short papers are also included in the main proceedings and can
report on new research or other issues of interest to the AI community.
Examples of work suitable for short paper submissions include: novel
ideas whose scope is not large enough for a full paper: important
implementation techniques; novel interesting benchmark problems; short
experimental studies; interesting applications that are not yet
completely solved or analyzed; position or challenge papers; etc. Short
paper submissions are especially invited for software demonstration or
PhD work in progress. Submission will be through the Easychair
conference management system :
Papers will be subject to blind peer review. All papers will be reviewed
based on the standard criteria of relevance, significance of results,
originality of ideas, soundness, and quality of the presentation. All
accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings,
and will be presented at the conference. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the conference and present the
contribution. The KI 2014 proceedings will be published by Springer as
a volume of the LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) series.
======== Main Organizers ========
Program Chairs
* Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen)
* Michael Thielscher (University of New South Wales)
Workshop and Tutorial Chair
* Frieder Stolzenburg (Hochschule Harz)
Doctoral Consortium Chair
* Markus Krötzsch (TU Dresden)
For enquiries, please contact ki2014 at
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