LL-L: "Holidays" LOWLANDS-L, 08.DEC.1999 (04) [E]
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Thu Dec 9 00:48:26 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 08.DEC.1999 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Gerald Tighe <gftighe2 at home.com>
Subject: LL-L: "Holidays" LOWLANDS-L, 07.DEC.1999 (02) [E]
Hi Folk:
> From: Paul Fourie [pfourie at rrs.co.za]
> Subject: LL-L: "Holidays" LOWLANDS-L, 06.DEC.1999 (04) [E]
> In South Africa you are likely to get your shoes violently ripped off your
> feet. Like Ron said here is exceptions also but they are not many. It is
> however not to notice the common factors to violence and crime between the
> States and here.
Do I infer correctly Paul that you refer to: conditioned low, and negative
and societal expectation; under schooling; low self esteem; lack of the
to presume, and expect opportunity; and the cause of these symptoms --
of income. Oh, and I almost forgot: pre-judgement of groups by the size of
they wear, in ignorance of the shape, size, and condition of the individual
Unfortunately these factors and the violence and crime are just as common I
believe in many of E.U. countries.
http://members1.clubphoto.com/grald15022/e-Graphs__One/ (New)
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