LL-L: "Vocabulary" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 01.JUN.1999 (02)
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Tue Jun 1 14:34:12 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 01.JUN.1999 (02) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Angelika Voss <egse at zetnet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: LL-L: "Vocabulary" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 27.APR.1999 (03)
Hope people don't mind me reviving this rather ancient thread... but I
seem to be permanently a month behind on my Lowlands messages (my
"unread" score currently stands at 95 messages!)
Ted Harding wrote
> In England, "Hundred" in this sense has been obsolete for some time,
> with one exception.
> The exceptional non-obsolete instance of the Hundred in England is the
> case of the Chiltern Hundreds, a district of Buckinghamshire (consisting
> of the Hundreds of Stoke, Burnham and Desborough). This serves one
> purpose only.
That's not the only one. I live on the Tendring Peninsula in North-East
Essex. I pay my water rates to the Tendring Hundred Water Company, and
our annual agricultural fair is called the Tendring Hundred Show. My
local authority, however, is just called Tendring District Council,
without the "Hundred".
Angelika Voss P O Box 49 Manningtree CO11 2SZ
angelika at roberts.co.uk egse at zetnet.co.uk
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