Subject: LL-L: "Names" [E] LOWLANDS-L, 19.JUN.1999 (02)
Lowlands-L Administrator
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Sat Jun 19 21:16:09 UTC 1999
L O W L A N D S - L * 19.JUN.1999 (02) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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[A]=Afrikaans, [Ap]=Appalachean, [D]=Dutch, [E]=English, [F]=Frisian,
[L]=Limburgish, [LS]=Low Saxon (Low German), [F]=Frisian, [S]=Scots,
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From: Floor van Lamoen <f.v.lamoen at>
Subject: Names
Henno Brandsma wrote:
> Another Lowlands addition:
> the Old Frisian for "Scultheizzo" is "skelta" (with derounded Umlaut). It
> still appears in the Old Frisian name "scelto" or "skelto", and it's
> Westerlauwer Frisian descendant "skelte". The skelta was a local judge in
> Old Frisian law. The Dutch cognate of Schulz is "schout", still in use as a
> function name in Belgium, I believe.
> Henno
Not only in Belgium "schout" is still in use. As far as I know the
official Dutch name for a prosecutor in cases on traffic offences is
From: PBarr21106 at
Subject: Names
I just received an inquiry on the Foreign Language Teach list re: the origin
of the name Urquhart. The guess was that it is Scots. Anyone know? Respond to
the List or to PBarr21106 at and I will forward it.
PBarr21106 at Pat Barrett
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