LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L, 15.AUG.2000 (06) [E/S]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 15 22:16:08 UTC 2000

 L O W L A N D S - L * 15.AUG.2000 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Posting Address: <lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org>
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 A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic

From: Henry Pijffers [hpijffers at home.nl]
Subject: LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L, 15.AUG.2000 (02) [E]

Ron hef schreven:
>> Maybe we've got some words mixed up here. We also have a word one
>> could write as "froy", as in "froy froo" (pretty early/aardig vroeg).
>I don't really think so.  I should have mentioned that non-umlauted _frou_
>'early' occurs in some dialects in Germany also, assumedly the farwestern
>ones.  What this _froy frou_ of yours is, I do not know.  Perhaps some kind of
>"joke" putting two dialect variants together?
No, it's not a joke! It's just something really normal.
The "froy" I probably should've written as "fraai", with the same /aa/
as in "schaap". So it becomes "fraai froo", with the "fraai" meaning
"pretty" ("vrij" in Dutch) and the "froo" still meaning "early".

>> Wat is the plural of "koo" in your dialect? I figure it
>> would either be "köö" or "koos". The former would be consistent,
>> but the latter sounds better in my ear.
>cow: _kou_ (_Koh_ ~ _Kauh_) [ko.U] ~ [ka.U]
>cows: _koy_ (_Köh_ ~ _Keuh_) [k{oe}.Y] ~ [ko.I] ~ _kay_ (_Keih_) [ka.I] ~
>_koyg'_ (_Köög_ ~ _Köhg_) [k{oe}.YG] ~ [k{oe}.Yj]
Hmmmm, that doesn't exactly clear the matter for me, but I take it I
should go with an umlauted version of "koo", hence "köö" (using /öö/ for
lack of better representation).

Something started dawning on me. I never compared all those "oo" words
which I marked with (17) to Dutch, but it seems to me that where I use
that sound, the Dutch have their "oe": koo->koe, stool->stoel, dook->doek,
froo->vroeg, koke->koek, etc... Just a thought there, does that clarify
anything? Or does it only obfuscate the matter even more?



From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Standardization


> koo->koe, stool->stoel, dook->doek,
> froo->vroeg, koke->koek, etc...

They tend to have /ou/ where I come from (also _douk_ [do.Uk] 'cloth'), unless
they are umlauted and have /öü/, the fronted equivalent, instead (_doyker_
['d{oe}.YkA] ~ ['dO.IkA] 'cloths').




From: "Ian James Parsley" <parsleyij at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L, 14.AUG.2000 (06) [E/S]

Scots taakan friens,

It's gey importan mairkan tha differs amang aa wir baeleids, ay, bot
A'm thinkan we maks mair o thaim whiles nor we sud. Tha tither dey, at
DIALECT 2000 i Belfast, A wis bletheran awa wae Dauvit Horsbroch fae
Aiberdeen i tha Braid, an we haen nae fash liftan ilkither. A'm
thinkan the'r a kin 'Warld Scotch' at ye can taak fur tae be sicar
aabodie lifts ye aaricht.

Ian James Parsley


From: "Sandy Fleming" <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L [S]

> From: Andy Eagle [Andy.Eagle at t-online.de]
> Subject: LL-L: "Standardization" LOWLANDS-L, [E/S]
> A jalouse exponin hou things shoudna be spelt is mair eith said nor

Weel, there can be a awfu number o spellin rules, richt eneuch
(tho maist explanations A'v seen for Scots gies mair than's nott).
Houever, the ar a important differ atween the uizual "write it
this wey" approach and the "dinna write it this wey" approach
A'm suggestin, espeecially whan it comes ti re-eddicatin adult
writers that aareddy haes some kin o ruch wey o gittin their
Scots doun on paper.

Ti explain it throu ma ain experience, whan A first startit
tryin ti write Scots as onything ither than ma ain dialeck,
what A haed ti haun wis the SLS guidelines for writers in
Scots. This wis brief an juist didna explain eneuch, an wis
plain wrang here an thare, forby. Syne A cam on Lowlands-L
an wis introduced ti thon document you an John Magnus an the
ither anes haed pitten up on the Wab. This wis better, but it
wis faur ower haurd ti follae - ye could lift the rules in the
document but tryin ti apply the hale lot consistent in practice
wis juist impossible (ye understaun A'm talkin aboot muckle
screives o novels an aathing A write in Scots, no juist the wee
tirliewirlies o writins ye see in Lallans magazine an that).

Syne on the actual airticles in Lowlands-L A startit learnin things
A could uize for a chynge - first John Magnus explainin how "guid"
but no "fit" - A could apply that richt awa an ma Scots writin wis
mair nationally accessible richt awa. Syne this, that an the ither.
This wey a body's written Scots tichtens an standardizes ower a
period o time, espeecially if guid instruction's on haun (ay,
thare's the rub!).

This is the advantage o a "corrective" approach like this - insteed
o a adult learner haein ti learn a hale system an apply it, he can
improve his written Scots hooly an fairly ae lesson at a time.

> Monie fowk aye still writes thair ain dialect/pronunciation in a
> 'pseudo-phonetic' mainer aften walin 'esoteric' spellins juist
> tae mak whit thay'v wrutten leuk sae faur remuived fae Inglis as thay

Aweel, the'r nane sae deif as winna hear! The'r naething ye can dae
aboot sic fowk, tho, A wadna lat them staun in ma road.

> As A aften said afore, on ma wabsteid the bitties anent spellin an
> pronunciation gangs intae the maiter bi wey o the sindrie dialects.
> Sae gin ye veesit ma wabsteid (www.scots-online.org) juist sneck on

That's a gey guid thing, that - A'd seen thon map afore but A no
jalouzed the pynt o'd! That's something A think A'll can uize in
editin texts for ScotsteXt.

> Some o the ensaumples that A can think on whaur mair nor the ae
> spellin wad
> be aaricht is in wirds lik:
> bowk [baVk] (vomit) is some airts this diphthong /aV/ haes been
> tae /o/ afore /k/ sae boak wad be aaricht anaa. Whit aboot fowk
> shoud
> it be spelt folk or foak?

A didna think on that! In ma dialeck it's [fok] an [bok]. What
aboot "howp"? That's [hop] in ma dialeck.

"Fock" an "bock" haes guid precedents in the likes o Fergusson,
an gaes alang wi ma ain ideas on hou best ti spell a [k] at the
end o a word (that A think A liftit fae John, like amaist aathing!).
Kennin this kin o thing helps me ti convert the ScotsteXt texts til
a mair consistent orthography athoot strampin on the original writers'

A think we'r in braid agreement here. Anither set o spellins A
think wad be better wi mair nor ae spellin is the likes o
"laif/loaf", "roar/rair" &c. Some, the likes o "fuit" for "fit"
is plain wrang an should be corrected aerly, ithers, the likes
o "mair" for "muir" isna wrang but is needlessly localised, an
sae needs correctin an aa, but ithers, the likes o fowk/fock an
loaf/laif is a expression o the writer's dialeck athoot onything
ti say that ane's better nor the ither, and juist needs ti be pyntit
oot sae's the writer can make a informed chyce (see me, writin "fowk"
aa thae years what A'd raithered a been writin "fock"!).

  Things in this subloonary warld bein far frae
perfeck, 'No that bad' is the maist that mortal
man can venture tae say while here ablo.
             - Catherine P. Slater, 'Marget Pow'

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