LL-L: "Online resources" LOWLANDS-L, 17.NOV.2000 (03) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 17 19:36:31 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 17.NOV.2000 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
Posting Address: <lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Web Site: <http://www.geocities.com/sassisch/rhahn/lowlands/>
User's Manual: <http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/1.8c/userindex.html>
Archive: <http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html>
A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Wilf Ratzburg [wratzburg at hotmail.com]
Subject: Archived discussions
If my memory serves me correctly, some years ago, we had a
discussion of the use of Platt in America. At that time, I
believe there was a submission of examples of poetry written
by early settlers. On the other hand, it may have been a
link to such poetry.
Does anyone recall this particular thread? If you do, I'd
appreciate hints on how to get back to that material.
wratzburg at hotmail.com
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Online resources
Moin, Wilf, Lowlanders!
Wilf, it took me a while searching through the old archive (my own copy) and
the new one (http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html). I
think I have found what you are after and am copying it below.
The link (http://www.osu-okmulgee.edu/faculty/carsten/3001.htm) is still
active. It is also found on our Low Saxon (Low German) links page
For those of you who do not understand the archived posting, it refers to
Carsten Schmidtke's web page with 19th-century American songs in Low Saxon
(Low German) songs -- no not translations from English but songs written by
North German immigrants. Perhaps someone ought to translate these for those
who are interested but don't understand the language. The titles (with my
Uns' niges Vaderland
(Our New Homeland)
De Dütschen in Amerika
(Germans in America)
Ik kann nich mehr na Hus!
(I Can't Return Home!)
Washington-Leed - To sinen Geburtsdag an'n 22. Fewerwar 1876
(Washington Song - For his Birthday on February 22, 1876)
As de oldenborger Pär na Chicago kemen
(When the Oldenburg Horses Came to Chicago)
Plattdütsch in Chicago
(Low German in Chicago)
Best regards,
L O W L A N D S - L * 12.NOV.1998 (01) * ISSN 1089-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
Web Site: <http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1615/rhahn/lowlands/>
[A]=Afrikaans, [Ap]=Appalachian, [D]=Dutch, [E]=English, [F]=Frisian,
[LS]=Low Saxon (Low German), [S]=Scots, [Sh] Shetlandic
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at geocities.com>
Subject: Low Saxon
Dear Lowlanders,
Hans-Ju"rgen Paape sent me a courtesy copy of a letter. You will find it
below. Hoping that some of you on this list are able to help, I am taking
the liberty of passing it on to you. I have read the American songs in
Low Saxon before, but I am not aware of there being any published music
for them. Radio Bremen (or is it Hans-Ju"rgen personally?) wishes to
assist folks with their emigrants' museum project in Bremerhaven, and
these songs could be performed in the opening ceremony, also possibly
broadcast on Radio Bremen. Personally too, I would very much welcome any
news about this.
Thanks and best regards,
Radio Bremen Melodie wrote:
> Leeve Lu"u"d !
> Op Carsten Schmidtkes Homepage " Bi mi to Huus op Platt " hebb ik
> so"ss Leders fun'n, de vun plattdu"u"tsche Utwannerers in Ameriko
> schreeben worden su"nd. Ik heff Schmidtke 'n Mail schickt un fraagt,
> af he mi denn ok seggen kunn, woas de sungen ward. Blots, ik heff
> nix mehr vun em to Ohren kreegen, he het nich antert betlang.
> De Leders hebbt de Internet-Adress:
> < http://www.osu-okmulgee.edu/faculty/carsten/3001.htm >
> In Bremerhaben schall en Utwannerer-Museum gru"nnt warden. Un wi
> wu"llt de Lu"u"d mal helpen, dormets in Gang ku"mmt, vo"r allens, dats
> bald en Huus kreeg, woas se ehr ganze Kram, de's in Loop vun de
> Johren tohope sammelt hebbt, woas se dat mal utstellen ku"nnt.
> Uns Musikredakteur Klaus Nellhiebel het en Chor, de's nasingen
> ku"nnt. Wi dink dor so an en Konzert, wats denn ok o"ber Radio
> utstrahlt warden kann. He fraag mi nu, gifft dat Noten dorvun,
> mo"o"glicherwies al mehrstimmen Partituuren ? Kennt'n en vun Ju"ch
> Carsten Schmidtke un kann mi seggen woas he afbleeben is ?
> Dormet Ji weet woas ik herkumm, hier mien Adress:
> < http://www.radiobremen.de > denn Radio Bremen Melodie anklicken un
> dor Gartenzaun ( dat is en Hooch- un Plattdu"u"tschen Dialog ), avers
> ok de Plattdu"u"tsche Naarichten. Beide Saakens ku"nnts ok ho"ren, so Ji
> RealAudio hebbt.
> Ik gro"o"t Ju"m
> Hans - Ju"rgen Paape vun Radio Bremen Melodie
> p.s.: Ik heff Reinhard Hahn vun Lowlands - List en Kopie vun du"sse
> Mail tokommen laten, villicht kennt de em jo ok. d.vun b.
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