LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 21.JUL.2001 (01) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 21 23:21:54 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 21.JUL.2001 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "W. Jaap Engelsman" <engelsma at euronet.nl>
Subject: Etymology
Dear Lowlanders,
Perhaps you can help me with the etymology of Dutch _flamoes_ (or
_flemoes_ or _flemoesj_), meaning 'cunt'. The stress is on /oe/. The matter
was brought up by Marc De Coster in a mailing list for Dutch etymology.
Several people spent time on it, but we haven't made much headway.
The earliest occurrence of _flamoes_ is in a Dutch dictionary of 1914.
Nothing is known of its history before then. At present, it is rather
commonly used in pornographic stories, as any internet search will show,
though not nearly as common as its equivalent _kut_. The word occurs both
on .nl and .be websites. Nothing definite is known about its regional
distribution in The Netherlands. It is in some general use, which may be
explained by the fact that in 1964 the word was used by Jan Cremer in his
widely read sensational novel "Ik Jan Cremer". The fact that _flemoesj_ is
mentioned as Limburgish in recent sources may merely reflect this general
Dutch influence.
No one has been able to connect the word _flamoes_ convincingly to other
words, either in Dutch or in neighbouring languages or dialects.
Pronunciation-based equivalents would be something like English
_*flamoose_, _*flummooze_, French _*flamousse_, _*flamouche_, or German
_*Flamus_, _*Flamusch_.
According to one informant, a German word _Flamuse_ with the same meaning
was once sighted in Hannover in the late 1940s. Research into German
obscene language so far has failed to corroborate this. Internet searches
yielding plenty of _Möse_ and the like don't yield any relevant instances
of _Flamus(e)_.
A suggested connection with German _Möse_ unfortunately leaves /fla/
entirely unaccounted for. A connection with German _Pflaume_ (which carries
the same meaning, just like Dutch _pruim_), appears etymologically
There is a Danish word _fjams_ with the same meaning. Although it doesn't
seem likely to me, there might be some connection here.
Some rather far-fetched theories have been brought forward, going so far as
to suggest Latin sources or even Indo-European roots. As these failed to
establish even a remote connection with either form or meaning of
_flamoes_, I think they had better be ignored for the time being. Any
plausible connection in the modern period would be really valuable.
What we are looking for are words that show a sufficient similarity to
_flamoes_ in form (pronunciation), meaning, period, and region. I have come
across several words that are similar in form and pronunciation, but show
no connection in meaning at all.
Can anyone suggest any cognates of _flamoes_?
Thank you.
Jaap Engelsman
engelsma at euronet.nl
engelsma at euronet.nl
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