LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 07.MAR.2001 (01) [E/Z]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 7 15:55:58 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 07.MAR.2001 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Marco Evenhuis [evenhuis at zeelandnet.nl]
Subject: LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 06.MAR.2001 (07) [E/F]
Za'k er dan 't Zeêuws ok mae bie zette? Note the older form for 'who':
welkeên (LS: wokeen).
> > > From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
> >
> > Below the versions in my Limburgish from Vliermaal
> > (Sorry it's not really an etymological contribution)
> >
> > > /(wou)kein/ wokeen ~ keen 'who'
> > > (cf. /kein(ein)/ keen(een) 'none', 'no one', 'nobody')
> > > (cf. NL wie, Afr. wie 'who')
> > > (cf. D wer 'who')
> > Li: "wi-e"
> WF: wa('t)
Z: wie, older form: welkeên; gineên 'none', 'no one'.
> > > /(wou)nee(v)n/ woneven ~ woneben ~ woneem ~ (')neem 'where'
> > > (ook/also: /waar/ waar ~ woor)
> > > (cf. /neevn/ neven ~ neben 'beside', 'next to')
> > > (cf. NL waar, Afr. waar 'where')
> > > (cf. D wo 'where', neben 'beside', 'next to')
> > Li (Vliermaal): "bow"; (Tongeren): "boo"
> WF: wer
Z: wì, in questions 'waère(n)' (waèreen?) is sometimes used: Ik weun op
Beekerke. -Waere(n) weunde je zeide je?
> > > /nüms/ nüms ~ /nums/ nums 'no one', 'nobody'
> > > (ook/also: /kein(ein)/ keen(een) 'none', 'no one', 'nobody')
> > > (cf. NL niemand, Afr. niemand nie 'no one', 'nobody')
> > > (cf. D niemand 'no one', 'nobody')
> > Li: "niemand neej"
> WF: nimmen(net), gjien ien, gjinnen(t)
Z: gin eên, gin mens
> > > /nargns/ nargens ~ /narms/ narms ~ /narns/ narns 'nowhere'
> > > (ook/also: /keinerweegens/ keenerwegens)
> > > (cf. NL nergens, Afr. nêrens nie 'nowhere')
> > > (cf. D nirgends, nirgendwo 'nowhere', irgend 'any')
> > > (cf. NL ergens, Afr. êrens 'anywhere')
> > Li: "èrres"; "nèrres"
> WF: nearne (<> earne)
Z: nergest, nergesten, nievers(t) (<>ergest, ergesten)
> > > /jichtns/ jich(t)ens 'any'
> > > (> jichtenswo 'anyhow', jichtenseen 'anyone')
> > Li: "prell wai", "prell wi-e" (I guess prell comes from the French
> > pareille)
> WF: /ienig/ ienich
Z: ênig (anybody = ielkendeên)
> > > /wou(ans/dennig)/ wo ~ woans ~ wodennig 'how'
> > > (cf. NL hoe, Afr. hoe 'how')
> > > (cf. D wie 'how')
> > Li: "wai"
> WF: hoe
Z: 'oe
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology
Marco, thanks for the Zeelandic forms.
You wrote:
> Note the older form for 'who':
> welkeên (LS: wokeen).
Also _welkeen_ ['vE.(l)k(?)E.In] in Low Saxon (Low German) in the sense of
'who' (only use interrogatively, while _(wo)keen_ can be used also
relatively). Obviously, it comes from _welk een_ ['vE.(l)k ?E.In] "which
one," corresponding to German _welch ein_ 'which one,' exclamatory 'what a
...!" I feel Low Saxon _welk een_ cannot be used in the latter senses. It
would be interrogatively _welk 'n ...?_ or _welken ...?_ and exclamatory _wat
'n ...!_ ("what a ...!"). "What kind of ..." would be _wat för 'n ..._ (>
Missingsch _was (für) 'n ..._ both interrogative and exclamatory).
I am not so sure that _wokeen_ is really derived from _welkeen_, though it is
not intirely impossible, given that the /l/ in _welk_ is often dropped (hence
the occasional spelling _weck_) and interrogative /wou/ _wo_, originally
'how', has been known to "contaminate" other interrogatives, such as original
_waar_ 'where' (still preserved in Eastern Friesland etc.), perhaps in
conjunction with German _wo_. The pronunciation of _waar_ is [vQ:3] or
[vo:3], depending on the dialect. From there it is a small step to _wo_
[vo.U] ~ [vo:]; hence _woför_ 'wherefor', 'for what', 'for what reason',
'why', _wohen_ 'where to', _woher_ 'where from'.
Further on _wo_ 'how', there are these "weird" forms:
_woans_ [voU'?a.ns] 'how', 'in what way' (< *wo anners "how differently" =
'how else'?)
_wodennig_ [voU'dEnIC] 'how', 'in what way' (< daan 'done'?)
(Cf. _sodennig_ 'in this/that way', 'thus')
_wonehr_ [voU'nE.I3] ~ _wanehr_ [vQ:'nE.I3] ~ _wennehr_ [vE'nE.I3] 'when', 'at
what time' (usually in the past)
cf. _wollehr_ [vO.'lE.I3] ~ _wullehr_ 'erstwhile', 'once upon a time'
(< _woll_ ~ _wull_ 'well' + _ehr_ [?E.I3] 'earlier', 'before'?)
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