LL-L: "Orthography" LOWLANDS-L, 28.MAY.2001 (06) [S]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon May 28 23:29:59 UTC 2001
L O W L A N D S - L * 28.MAY.2001 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic, Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: Sandy Fleemin [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"
> From: Andy.Eagle at t-online.de (Andy Eagle)
> Subject: LL-L: "Orthography" [S]
> A hae Hallow-Fair in ma Reader. A wis wantin tae uise Auld Reekie
> an aa but akis he uised sae mucke Inglis for tae mak the rhymes
> an siclike A thocht chyngin it wad dae mair skaith nor guid.
A'm no aathegither shuir what muckle skaith this micht dae.
Tae tak the first twa passages fae Auld Reekie as it's fund
in beuks (A'v asterisked the awkart rhymes):
AULD REIKIE, wale o' ilka town *
That _Scotland_ kens beneath the moon! *
Whare couthy chiels at e'ening meet
Their bizzing _craigs_ and _mous_ to weet;
And blythly gar auld care gae by *
Wi' blinkit and wi' bleering eye: *
O'er lang frae thee the Muse has been
Sae frisky on the _Simmer's_ green,
Whan flowers and gowans wont to glent
In bonny blinks upo' the bent,
But now the _leaves_ o' yellow dye, *
Peel'd frae the _branches_, quickly fly; *
And now frae mouther bush nor briar *
The spreckl'd _mavis_ greets your ear; *
Nor bonny blackbird _skims_ and _roves_
To seek his love in yonder groves.
Then _Reikie_, welcome! Thou canst charm
Unfleggit by the year's alarm;
Not Boreas, that sae snelly blows,*
Dare here pap in his angry nose:*
Thanks to our _dads_, whase biggin stands
A shelter to surrounding lands.
The'r a fair fouth o awkart rhymes for shuir, but gin ye
leuk at the "sortit" vairsion:
AULD REEKIE, wale o ilka toun
That _Scotland_ kens beneath the muin!
Whare couthy chiels at e'enin meet
Their bizzin _craigs_ an _mous_ tae weet;
An blythly gar auld care gae by
Wi blinkit an wi bleerin ee:
Ower lang frae thee the Muse haes been
Sae frisky on the _Simmer's_ green,
Whan flooers and gowans wont tae glent
In bonny blinks upo' the bent,
But nou the _leaves_ o yellae dye,
Peel'd frae the _brainches_, quickly flee;
And nou frae nouther bush nor briar
The spreckl'd _mavis_ greets yer ear;
Nor bonny blackbird _skims_ an _roves_
Tae seek his love in yonder groves.
Then _Reekie_, welcome! Thoo canst chairm
Unfleggit bi the year's alairm;
Nor Boreas, that sae snelly blaws,
Daur here pap in his angry nose:
Thanks tae oor _dads_, whase biggin stands
A shelter tae surroondin lands.
...dis this read aa that bad? Masel, A like it fine.
A definitely like it a lot mair than the original,
conseederin A can read it oot athoot slippin a fit
at the end o every saicont line!
Whether it wad be gaun ower the score tae impose this on
ither fowk - A dinna ken. It seems tae me that rhyme isna
thocht sae muckle o nouadays, but lattin fowk see hou tae
soond Scots richt is gittin a gey urgent maiter.
Yer thochts?
A dinna dout him, for he says that he
On nae accoont wad ever tell a lee.
- C.W.Wade,
'The Adventures o McNab'
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