LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.02.01 (01) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 1 16:02:30 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 01.FEB.2002 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "Mathieu. van Woerkom" <Mathieu.vanWoerkom at student.kun.nl>
Subject: lexicon
Margot wrote:
> Maybe you can help me a little to find more similarities.
> For example:
> (Z) Tegère: (E) Together: (D) samen
> (Z) murpels: (E) marbles (D) knikkers
> (Z) impersant: (F) en passant (D) tegelijkertijd, terwijl
> But there are other words I find very interesting to know wether there
> are similarities:
> (Z) lange: (D) pakken
> (Z) verabbezakken: (D) uitwonen, kapot maken
> (Z) druksjes: (D) dropjes
> (Z) glad (D) helemaal
> (Z) doâken (D) zometeen, dadelijk
> (Z) stremien (D) vergiet
In Limburgisch:
(Z) tegère: (E) together:
(L) same / biejein
(Z) murpels: (E) marbles
(L) marbele / klitsje / meisje / bille / mervelaere / huve
(Z) impersant: (F) en passant
(L) ampesant
(Z) lange: (D) pakken
(L) pakke / sjnappe
(Z) verabbezakken: (D) uitwonen, kapot maken
(L) versjangelere / verinnewere
(Z) druksjes: (D) dropjes
(L) oukeukskes / krissiekes (G. Lakritze) / makkepaek / ketsjes
(Z) glad (D) helemaal
(L) (gans en) gaar / gans / krek / knatsj / euverhuid (G. überhaupt) / ratsj
(Z) doâken (D) zometeen, dadelijk
(L) dalik / vaort / drek / direktement (F. directement) / onmiddelbaar /
(Z) stremien (D) vergiet
(L) ziej / ziejsjotel / ziejbaor
From: "Mathieu. van Woerkom" <Mathieu.vanWoerkom at student.kun.nl>
Subject: lexicon
Roger wrote:
>> (Z)druksjes: (D) dropjes
>> You wrote:
>> ......
>> But I'm afraid that is the wrong translation. I think the right one
>> should be something like Lacorice or Lakritz (the spelling can be
>> completely wrong). In French it is réglisse.
> I'm confused but I think it corresponds to what we called in my
> Limburgish (from Vliermaal): krieskoek.
> I had no idea where the "kries" is coming from.
> I remember it in both hard and soft form.
> When soft we called "stattele (Dutch: schoenveters"; shoelace,
> shoestring) since it had about that form.
> It was black but dark brown when dissolved in water.
The General Limburgisch dictionary (at www.limburghuis.nl) gives:
drop > oukook
drop > krissie (D. Lakritze)
drop, pek > paek
drop, zwarte drop > makkepaek
dropstaaf > paek
dropveter > krissiereem (reem = belt)
dropveter > krissiesjtartel (sjtartel = [shoe]lace)
dropwater > kloterwater
dropwater > krissiewater
dropwater > oukookswater
dropwater > paekswater
katjesdrop > ketsjes
zouthout > (Glycirrhiza) zeuthout
apparently 'kries'/'krissie' comes from German Lakritze.
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