LL-L "Etymology" 2002.07.05 (03) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 6 02:00:53 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 05.JUL.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: Etymologie" 2002. 07. 01
Hi, again,
ick schreev:
>...in uns plattdüütsch' Dialekt giff't dat Woord "teuben", "teuven", Engl.
>wait", Germ. "warten".
>Ick finn' door naargens watt inn't Ingelte, ook ne inn't Hoogdüütsche,
>door tau höörn kunn.
>Inn't Oostfreesenplatt heit dat "wachten", un' in mien Tieden door
>wüssen de
>Freesen nich', watt ick mein't hevv, wenn ick dat Woord "Teuv, mien
>Jung'!"bruuken dei.
>Ick glööv nich, watt datt uut'n Franzööschen koomen deiht- obschoonst:
>"attendre" kunn mit "affteuben" watt tau dauhn hebben."
Ron dei antern:
>In de mehrsten Dialekten heett dat "töven" (/töüv-n/), Uutspraak>
>['t9.Ivm=], an de Nedderelv ['tO.Ivm=] ~ ['tO.Ibm=] (schreven _täuben_,
>_täuven_, _teuben_, _teuven_, u.s.w.)
>Ik glööv', dat hangt mit Wöör för dat tosamen, wat up Ingelsch as
>_hesitate_ or _linger_ un up Düütsch _zögern_ heten dait. Man seker bün
>ik mi upstünns nich. Och, ja! Up Hollandsch is dat _toeven_ (Uutspraak
>['tuv@]) 'verblieven'.
Joo, besten Dank! Soo einfach iss't, wenn'n dennen rechten "Vowel"
Kumpelment un'
't allerbest!
From: Holger Weigelt <platt at HOLGER-WEIGELT.DE>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.07.05 (01) [E/LS]
>From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
>Subject: Etymology
>Dear Low- and Leeglanners, hi, Ron,
>some weeks ago I wrote:
>....>a very special thing I've had been thinking about for a long time
>>"eight"-family (Upper German: "acht", Low Saxon: "acht", but
>>"tachuntachentich" meaning eighty-eight).
In EFLS it is "âcht" ['a:`axt] and "achuntachentergh"
[ax at ntaNt6gh](eight
and the eighty). (By the way: what is the SAMPA-symbol for ~gh~ [the g-
fricative] ?)
>>Could there be a relation between *eight" and *ought (to..)* in English,
>>similar in German *achten* (to respect somebody), Upper German *Eigen-
>>(-tum)* = Engl. *property*; Low Saxon (and Upper G.) *eigen (sein)*
>>(to be pedantic, about), Low Saxon *Diekacht* = Engl. *a
>>special group of people who have to look for the good condition of the
>>dikes*, but also: (older) Upper German *jmdn. 䣨ten*, *in Ach{t} und Bann
>>schlagen* = Engl.: * to declare someone as an outlaw*; in East-Frisian
>>of NORDEN) there is an old club of wise men called
*Theelacht* (it's foundation is dated back to a victory over the vikings
and membership is restricted to owners of farming ground of a determined
area entitled to inherit - ârwburen)
or similar...
>Today,while cutting my green, I found out: all these words (but, sorry,
>except the "number eight") are cognate to (pre-?)latin "oc-", which
>always means "something coming towards someone", as we find in "oc-
>cure", "oc-casion", but also, and that's my thought, in "oc- ulum"
>"eye", Germ.: "Auge", Low-Saxon: "Oog").
>Perhaps- anybody has got an idea to integrate the number "octo" into
>this row?
>From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
>Subject: Etymology
>Moin, Leeg- unn' Lowlanders, Ron,
>in uns plattdí²³í´³ch' Dialekt giff't dat Woord "teuben", "teuven", Engl.
>wait", Germ. "warten".
>Ick finn' door naargens watt inn't Ingelte, ook ne inn't Hoogdí²³í´³che,
>door tau híºí²® kunn.
>Inn't Oostfreesenplatt heit dat "wachten", un' in mien Tieden door
>wí²í³¥n de
>Freesen nich', watt ick mein't hevv, wenn ick dat Woord "Teuv, mien
>Jung'!"bruuken dei.
Hello Fiete !
That's but half correct. In EFLS "wachten" [vaxN] is mostly used and
generally known but we also know "töyven" [t9ym] or [tVym]. In several
areas however the last isn't common thus it is possible people of Your
place didn't know.
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