LL-L "Help needed" 2002.07.07 (02) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 7 18:44:21 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 07.JUL.2002 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: globalmoose at t-online.de (Global Moose Translations)
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2002.07.06 (04) [E]
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Help needed
> Dear Lowlanders,
> I need help with the word _hoecht_ in my translation of a sentence in
> Westerlauwer Frisian:
> "Oars skynt de sinne warm yn 'e keamer en hoecht de kachel noch net
> oan."
> "Otherwise/Usually the suns would shine warmly into the room and the
> stove wouldn't yet {need} to be on."
> Your input would be much appreciated.
Well, that sounds a lot like the Dutch word "hoeft", doesn't it? And
indeed meens "needs".
Gabriele Kahn
From: "Wim" <wkv at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2002.07.06 (04) [E]
Nice word...reminds me of this:
Hoegt, i'm dutch...but...remember these two words gracht, and
meaning canal in dutch.
Now go to dutch hoeft....and frisiang hoegt... ch/g changing to
f/v... English loft....dutch lucht.....
Now you guess the translation... hoeft,,, needs too, behoeven, to
>From wkv at home.nl
[Wim Verhoofd]
From: "Luc Hellinckx" <luc.hellinckx at pandora.be>
Subject: Hoeven
Beste leeglanners,
Regarding the sentence :
"Oars skynt de sinne warm yn 'e keamer en hoecht de kachel noch net
and more specifically the word "hoecht", I think that it could be the
pronounciation of "hoeft" (D), which means "is necessary".
This verb "hoeven" is always used with a negation and my etymological
dictionary says that a Middle Low German form also existed :
It happens quite frequently that an "f" becomes a "t", like in :
"schoft" (D), denoting the shoulder of a horse, withers > "schocht" (M)
"of" (D), meaning "or" (E) > "och(te)" (M)
"af" (D), "off" (E) > "ach" (M)
"luft" (G) ~ "lucht" (D)
Middle Dutch : "graft" as well as "gracht"
"soft" (E) ~ "zacht" (D)
Which brings up the question : When did English lose its interest in
pronouncing these "ch"-sounds, judging "to laugh" (E) for example
pronounced with a "f"-sound.
Luc Hellinckx
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties
Thanks for confirming what I had suspected, Gabriele, Wim and Luc.
Of course, this word has (somewhat archaic) English relatives:
noun: behoof (benefit, advantage, < Old English _behôf_)
verb: behoove (be encumbent on, Old English _behôfian_)
In Eastern Friesland Lowlands Saxon (Low German) and some other
farwestern dialects: _höven_ ['h9:vm=] ~ _höfen_ ['h9:fm=] 'to require',
'to need'
Lowlands Saxon, too, is somewhat ambivalent between /-v/ and /-x/ in
many of these cases, depending on the dialect; e.g., _Lucht_ ~ _Luft_
'air', _Gracht_ ~ _Graft_ '(excavated) canal' (< _graven_ 'to dig', 'to
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