LL-L "Administrativa" 2002.07.16 (07) [D/E/L/LS]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 16 22:22:49 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 16.JUL.2002 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Web Site: <http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/lowlands/>
 Rules: <http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/lowlands/rules.html>
 Posting Address: <lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org>
 Server Manual: <http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/1.8c/userindex.html>
 Archive: <http://listserv.linguistlist.org/archives/lowlands-l.html>
 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: Indogermaansch

Dank Di, Ron,

föör't "Indoeuropääisch".
Haa'ck wool leest, kontoreert, wöör mi oobers ne oppfull'n.
Lütt Döntje achteran:

Schall woll meist 20 Johr'n her ween- mien Brauer un' ick wöörn in
Wi wöörn bin' Duschen, opp'n Campingplatz. Door köeime'n poor öllere Lüü
uns Ümkleiden, un' wi snacken Platt. Teemli' uutverschoomt- watt jüst
"öllern Lüüd" bedreev. Op Stünns- tau uns Schrecken- de Froog von de
(nette) aule Frouw: "Snackt Jie Platt?"-
Dat wöör'n Mennonites, "Plautdietsche", un' wi wüssen ne, wovöel sei von
uns uutverschoomte Snackerei verstoh'n hannen. Watt wi wüssen: wi müssen
vöörzichtich waarn taukümstich, in Kanada.

Besten Oobend noch:



From: Ysmael Tisnado <guarda3 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.07.16 (04) [LS]

Could someone please tell me in English what was said
about me? I no longer speak German Fluently nor
understand Dutch even though I am still trying to
relearn them.

Yshmael Escudero Luna Tisnado(Coronet)II=YELTCII-guarda3 at yahoo.com


To: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Dear Yshmael,

The language used was not German but Lowlands Saxon (which you can tell
by the marker [LS] in the subject line).

Fiete explained that he thought that by reminding people of our topic
focus I had reprimanded him personally, and he explained that he had
merely followed the etymological thread of "angel" and was trying to be
nice to you.  I explained in the same language that I had reprimanded
neither him nor anyone else, that as the moderator I must frequently
draw in the reins whenever I feel we are drifting too far off course
(focus "Lowlands").  Sometimes I remind people on the List, sometimes
individually or in small groups.  This is meant to be merely a reminder
or, for newcomers, well-intentioned guidance.  At any rate, it ought not
be construed as a personal attack.  As our "older" members well know,
when I remind people of our focus it is not meant to be in any way harsh
or mean.

Folks, one of the reasons why I keep reminding you to read our rules and
guidelines (http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/lowlands/rules.html) it is
because I want to make sure you know what our focus area is.  This is
what it says among other things:


Keep discussions relevant.
Please remember that we deal with the "Lowlands" area. This is not
synonymous with "Germanic" but excludes German, Luxemburgish and the
North Germanic languages (Scandinavian, Icelandic and Faroese). It is
perfectly fine to mention these related languages, and any other
languages and their cultures for that matter, especially wherever there
are parallels or connections that are useful in understanding topics
that are within our main subject area. However, the focus must remain on
the Lowlands languages and cultures. It is all right to sidestep within
a discussion, as long as the discussion returns to the original focus.
However, this should not be seen as an excuse to start a new, extraneous
subject line.

Houdt discussies relevant.
Wees u ervan bewust dat de lijst zich bezighoudt met het Lowlands gebied
(de lage landen). Dit staat echter niet gelijk aan "Germaans" of enkel
maar Nederland en België. De Britse eilanden behoren ook tot dit gebied.
Hoogduits, Luxemburgs en de Scandinavische talen (Zweeds, Deens, Noors,
IJslands en Faeröer) horen echter niet tot het bestreken gebied. Het is
echter prima om deze verwante talen zijdelings te noemen, zoals trouwens
ieder andere taal, als er parallellen of overeenkomsten zijn met de
talen van de Lowlands. De hoofdzaak van de discussie blijft echter
altijd de talen en culturen van de Lowlands. Het is toegestaan andere
talen of onderwerpen aan te roeren, als de discussie maar weer terugkomt
bij de oorspronkelijke hoofdzaak. Laat dit echter geen ontmoediging zijn
om nieuwe discussies ("subject lines") te beginnen.

Haud diskussies relevant.
Bis uch bewós det dees lies zich besjeftig mit 't "Lowlands" gebeed (de
liege lenj). Dit sjteit aevel neet geliek aan "Germaans", mer sjloet
(Hoeg)Pruses, Luxemburgs en de Naord-Germaanse tale (Skandinavis,
Ieslenjs en Faroeësj) oet. 't Is vannelein prima dees verwantje tale te
neume, zelfs jeder anger taal, veural wienie 't paralelle of
euvereinkómste geuf die 't ós gemekkeliker make de Lowlands óngerwerpe
baeter te begriepe. Aevel, de huidzaak blief de tale en kulture van de
liege lenj. 't Is uch toegesjtange anger tale of óngerwerpe aan te
reure, zoe lank es de diskussie trökkump bie de oersjprunkelike
huidzaak. Dit moot geer aevel neet mismood gaeve um nuuj diskussies
("subject lines") aan te vange.

Bidrääg’ relevant hooln.
Nie nich vergeten, dat ’t sik hier üm ’t „Leegland“ hannelt!
„Leeglandsch“ hett nich dat sülvige Bedüden as „germaansch“. Nee. Wat
Düütsch (d.h. „Hoochdüütsch“), Luxemborgsch un de noordgermaanschen
Spraken (d.h. Skandinaavsch, Ieslandsch un Färöösch) sünd, de hebbt wi
nich so richtig mit up de Tell in’n Themenkring „Leegland“. Liekers kann
’n düsse verwandten Spraken un Kultuurn driest mit upnömen, ok annere
Spraken un Kultuurn, besünners wenn ’n in’n Themenkring „Leegland“ wat
daarvun aflehrn kann. Avers dat „Leegland“ schull daarbi nich ut de Künn
kamen. Nee. Dat „Leegland“ is un blifft de Middelpunkt. Wenn ’n maal
stootwies’ to’n Verklaren or Argumenteern vun wat Anners snackt, denn
schull ’n amenn wedder in’t „Leegland“ anlangen.

===end quote===

At any rate, I appreciate *everyone's* presence and participation and am
confident that with curiosity, enthusiasm, compassion, goodwill and
amity in her sails we can keep the "Lowlands-L" (now in her eighth
year!) on course.

Fiete schreev baven:

> Watt wi wüssen: wi müssen
> vöörzichtich waarn taukümstich, in Kanada.

Un nich bloots in Kanada, man allerwegens.  To Sludern, Schandeern un
swienschen or unverschaamden Snack in annere Spraken - egaal wat för
Spraken - is de Welt bilütten too lütt worren ...  Ook achter "lütte,"
"schraffelige" Spraken kannst di nich mehr verkrüpen.  Daar sorgt al
sükse Foren as Lowlands-L för. Un sachs is dat good so.

De Öllern vun 'n isländschen Fründ sünd maal dörch de Oorwoolden in d'n
Noorden vun Britisch Kolumbien trocken mit 'n indiaanschen Reiseföhrer.
Na 'n paar Daag' füng de junge Indianer an mit jüm up Isländsch to
snacken.  He was in 'n isländsch-kanaadsche Familie uptagen worren, un
de Spraak vun sien Jungstied keem em wedder trügg, as he de Touristen in
eensen to up Isländsch snacken höör.  Un bit to 't Enn vun de Reis'
möken de beiden sik Sorgen, of se vördem wat seggt harren, dat he nich
harr hören schullt ... Tjer, dat was jüm 'n Lex.


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