LL-L "Etymology" 2002.07.28 (03) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 29 04:19:31 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 28.JUL.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "Roman Laryushkin" <puka_2000 at mail.ru>
Dear all!
At this time I have a question concerning Scots. In my Scottish Gaelic
dictionary there are some words that are given synonyms in Scots. I
would like
to know from someone who is proficient in Scots which of these words are
Celtic and which are of Germanic origin. Yet another interesting thing
for me -
some words do not even resemble each other, but nevertheless their
synonyms are
given (for example airgead - siller). Why? Here is the list of the
N Scottish Gaelic Scots English
001 achlais oxter armpit
002 Áirde airt point of
the compass
003 airgead siller silver,
004 baillidh bailie bailiff
005 barr-ial whang
shoe latchet, thong
006 beic beck a
007 biodag bittock dirk,
008 bÔidhche bonnie pretty,
009 boitean buttle bundle
of hay or straw
010 bonn-a-sÉ bawbee halfpenny
011 bonnach bannock a cake
012 brÉagha braw splendid,
013 briogais breeks breeches
014 bruthach brae
acclivity, ascent
015 caileag lassie little
016 cÁrn cairn a heap,
a pile
017 cuinneag stoup pitcher,
pail, bucket
018 cutach cutty short,
stumpy, bob-tailed, docked
019 dearc-luachrach ask an asp
020 eislinn strachtin-board a board on which
a corpse is laid
021 feannag hoodie-craw a hooded crow
(what does it mean?)
022 fear-an-tighe the guidman the man
of the house
023 fochann braird first shoots of
024 gab gab tattling
025 glÔmanaich gloamin dusk of eve
026 glug clunk noise of
liquid in a vessel
027 gobair gabber talker,
028 gogan coggie small
029 grÔiseid groset
030 iall whang leathern
thong, string
031 laparan hirplin moving
with a halt
032 lÉabag fluckie flounder
033 measair bine tub
034 mogan hugger footless
035 tha iad mÕr aig a chÊile they are great wi'ither they are
great friends
(this phrase had also Scots translation in the dictionary)
036 mucag hip the
fruit of the dog rose
037 an-nochd the nicht to-night
038 prÍne preen pin for
fixing clothes
039 an-raoir yestreen last
040 ruaimleach drumlie muddy, as water
041 seic heck stable
042 seiceal heckle
instrument for dressing flax
043 seirm chirm musical
044 sÊiseach settle wooden
bench or couch
045 sgeap skep beehive
046 similear chimley chimney
047 SÍne Jean Jane
048 slÍogach sleekit sly,
049 smeur, smeuran black bide bramble berry
050 spong spunk sponge
(what's this?)
051 suaip swap faint
resemblance, exchange of commodities
052 tobha tow rope
053 toit reek smoke,
vapour, fume, steam
054 traona cormcrake landrail
055 trÊin-ri-trÉin corncrake landrail
056 tulchainn hurdies house gable,
Roman Laryushkin,
Simferopol, Ukraine
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