LL-L "Etymology" 2002.06.09 (04) [D/E/F/LS]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 10 01:34:26 UTC 2002

Please ignore the previous issue under the same title. It went out
Prematurely.  Sorry.  RFH
 L O W L A N D S - L * 09.JUN.2002 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Web Site: <http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/lowlands/>
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: RBlaustein at aol.com
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.06.08 (02) [E/F]

From: Richard Blaustein
Subject: Etymology of "Pferd," "Paard"

Just a thought from an erstwhile lurker who isn't a professional
linguist and
never studied Latin: could <<pferd>> and <<paard>> possibly be related
"-pard" -- as in the Latin-derived "leopard"? Leo is Latin for lion, but
is the root meaning of <<pard>>? (An old word for giraffe was


From: "Stella en Henno" <stellahenno at hetnet.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.06.08 (04) [E/LS/Z]

> We don't know that for sure.  German _Gaul_ '(old) nag' (which also
> simply means 'horse' in many European German dialects) goes back to
> Middle (High) German _gûl_, and that is apparently as far as it can be
> traced back.  What is important about this _gûl_ is that it is not
> specific to one animal but is sex-specific, denoting a male animal,
> oftentimes mentioned in the context of pigs.  According to the
> _Herkunftsduden_, it may well be related to the word group to which
> German _gießen_ (Low Saxon/Low German _geten_) 'to pour' belongs' (<
> Germanic *_g^heu-_, thus assumedly in reference to ejaculation).

As oanfolling hjirop: ek it Westerlauwer Frysk hat _gu^l_ = a^ld en net
be^st hynder.
It wurdt benammen noch bru^kt yn 'e u'tdrukking _it is gu^l om goarre_
(goarre is ek
sa'n leechlizzend (pejoratyf) wurd foar u.o in hynder. (Holla^nsk: het
lood om oud ijzer..)
It Holla^nsk hat _guil_, en de etymologyske wurdboeken binne der net
Der wurdt noch in moolke gearhing mei Aldiersk _ghota_ (hynder) neamd,
neat is wis. Ek boppeneamde stam *gheu wurdt neamd..
Ik haw it wurd yn it Seeltersk en Frasch/Freesk net fine kind.

Henno Brandsma


From: Vermeulen <vermeulen.vastgoed at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.06.08 (02) [E/F]

> From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Lexicon
> Dear All
> Fiete wrote:
> "New trial; "Pferd", "Peerd", "Peird", "Paird",  but:
> "horse" (and
> "hengist") in modern English.
> What about "pair"? They had to go "pairwhise" at most
> times!
> I don't find any germanic/low saxon origin able to
> convince me! "HORSE"
> seems much older.
> Bis denne
> Fiete."
> Is this regarding etymology? I don't have an etymology
> dictionary with me at present, but as far as I can
> remember 'Pferd' etc. comes from an early Latin loan,
> whereas 'horse' is the old Germanic word still found
> in German 'Ross' etc. I'm not sure where 'pair' comes
> from, but I would think that German 'Paar' is cognate.
> Seeing as the German word has a simple 'p' and not a
> 'pf' I would think that this is a much more recent
> loan, and probably from French? (sorry, my French
> isn't too hot, so please excuse me if I'm wrong - the
> word 'se-par-ate' springs to mind as being connected).
> With this reasoning I wouldn't expect the two to be
> related.
> Hope this helps
> Gary
Beste Gary,

Wellicht kan een greep uit ons Vlaams Nederlands helpen:

1) peerd, peerdig, hengst, beangstigend, merrie, kachtel, kachtelmerrie,
kachtelen, paarden, "pardon", parten, parade,

2) paar, paardans, paren, paarsgewijze, een paar peerden (>(?) paarden),
paar- en onpaar, gepaard gaan met,

3) horsen (G.Gezelle), orsen, rossen, roskam, Rosbeiaard, Horsendonk,
afrossen, horten, horde, hotsen, peerdehorzel,

De woorden binnen de groep zijn min of meer verwant met mekaar; wellicht
bestaat er ook verwantschap tussen woorden uit verschillende groepen.

m vr gr

Frans Vermeulen


From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.06. 08 (04)

Moin, Leeglanners,

"Peer" schiint'n Themen tou ween föör "all of us"- is' jo ook 'n hillig
wichtig Deeir ween, fröher.

Van Doog heff'ck 'n poor aule Peertüchters in mien  Nooborschapp von uns
'Peersnackerei" vertellt, un heff'n heel neuet Woort höört:


Schall hier leuöpig ween hebben, bit  van Doog, un' heit ook anners nix
"Peer"- 'wiss inne Hauptsook door, wo't nich meihr op'n enkeld Deeir
ankoomen dei, opp de Peerhööf för de Remontentucht.

Hi, Lowlanders,

a "horse" seems to be an important thing for many of us- perhaps because
it's high social rank and importance in the early times of our common

Today I told some elder people in my neighbourhood about our
and it didn't last for long to hear a new expression:

"Hucken" = "Peird" = "horse".

This word is still used in presence and doesn't mean anything else than
just "horse(s)". I guess, normally in connection with breeding them on
greater farms (what had been done in our region for the military


From: "Wim" <wkv at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.06.07 (03) [E]

paard comes from " para ferid " latin for "side horse", or pack horse

wim verdoold wkv at home.nl

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