LL-L "Etymology" 2002.06.18 (03) [D/E]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 18 14:56:49 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 18.JUN.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Web Site: <http://www.geocities.com/sassisch/rhahn/lowlands/>
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: Ruud Harmsen <rh at rudhar.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.06.17 (09) [D/E/F]

Ik schreef:
>>Vergelijk ook de uitdrukking "ledigheid is des duivels oorkussen",
>>waarin "ledigheid" = werkeloosheid, initiatiefloosheid, de toestand
>>van niets te doen hebben. Het WNT hierover:

20:39 17-6-2002 -0700, Lowlands-L:
>This meaning of "ledigheid" seems to be related to Eastern
Friesland Low
>Saxon "laierghkaid" (lazyness).
>"la:j" = lazy; "laiwams" = lazybone;

Ook in het Nederlands: "lui" en "luiwammes". Volgens het WNT is de
herkomst onzeker. Wel wordt de uitdrukking genoemd (die ik zelf niet
ken): "lui en ledig".

Ruud Harmsen <rh at rudhar.com>
Last update 12 June 2002 http://rudhar.com/index/whatsnew.htm


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

For the dialects of the Eastern Friesland and Oldenburg area, 'lazy' is
listed as _leu_ ~ _loi_ ([lQ:j] ~ [lo:j]?) and _lei_ (= Holder Weigelt's
"la:j"), and there is _Leuwams_ and _Leiwams_ for 'lazy person' (_Wams_
being 'belly' I surmise).

I wonder if _Leuwagen_ is related to the above.  We use it also
elsewhere, not only in Low Saxon (Low German) but also in various North
German dialects.  It denotes a scrubber, i.e., a scrubbing brush with a
long handle (i.e., a scrubbing brush [= "waggon") for the lazy, those
who don't want to scrub the floor kneeling?).

In other Low Saxon dialects, 'lazy' is _fuul_ [fu:l] ("foul") or, in a
somewhat less negative way, _lösig_ ['l9:zIC] (also 'tired',
'exhausted', 'weakened').  A lazy person can be called _Fuuljack_
['fu:ljak] (< _Jack_ 'jacket'), _Fuulwams_ ['fu:lva.ms] (< _Wams_
'belly'), or _Fuulpuup_ ['fu:lpu:p] (< _Puup_ 'fart').  'To be lazy' can
be rendered as _rümfulen_ ['rY.mfu:ln] ("to laze about"), _rümstahn_
['rY.mstQ:n] ("to stand around"), _rümdammeln_ ['rY.mda.ml=n] ("to hang
around idly"), _rümgammeln_ ['rY.mga.ml=n] ("to age/loiter about" <
Scandinavian _gammel_ 'old_), and _leddiglopen_ ['lEdICloUpm=] ("to run
idle/idly"), among several others.


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