LL-L "Etymology" 2002.05.12 (02) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Sun May 12 21:54:03 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 12.MAY.2002 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.05.10 (03) [E]
Wim wrote:
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.05.10 (03) [E]
In my dialec here in salland we don't say be, bessen like in dutch
We say [ beezn]. with a zed. Eerebeezn, rooie beezn, etc.( straw berries
red berries etc) we don't use the singular I think for berries. Can't
So that would connect it with an end of word z or R maybe? I have no
(Wim verdoold
Ron wrote:
Subject: Etymology
You may have hit on something interesting here. There is this ancient
Germanic -z ~ -r thing going on (the rune named "Elhaz" or "Algiz" --
meaning 'elk' -- being supposed to represent a sound "between z and r"),
and my hunch is that 'berry' falls into this category.
So, between you and me we have "discovered" that in Low Saxon alone
there is this -z ~ -r variation in the word for 'berry': (*/beeze/ >)
/beez/ (-> pl. /beez+n/ ['be:zn]) versus (*/beere/) > /beer/ (-> pl.
/beer+n/ [be:3n]). I assume that the Dutch version started off with
/-z@/, then dropped the schwa (> /-z/) and finally phonemically devoiced
it to /-s/.
Here is another example in Low Saxon (Low German), the verb 'to freeze':
some dialects have /freiz-/ and other dialects have /freir-/.
Low Saxon (Low German):
(first phonemic, then in German style spelling)
to freeze: freiz-n ~ freir-n (fresen ~ freren/freen)
I freeze: ik freiz(-e) ~ freir(-e) (ik frees' ~ freer)
thou freezest: duu früz-st (du früst)
he freezes: hei früz-t (he früst)
we freeze: wii freir-t ~ freir-n (wi freert ~ freren/freern)
I froze: ik frour (ik froor)
we froze: wii frour-n (wi froren ~ froorn)
frozen: frour-n ~ fraar-en (froren/froorn ~ fraren/fraarn)
frost: frost
Dutch: German: English: Low Saxon:
vriezen frieren freeze frezen ~ freern
vries friere freeze freez(e) ~ freer(e)
vriest frierst freeze(st) früst
vriest friert freezes früst
vriezen frieren freeze freert ~ freern
vroor fror froze froor
vroren froren froze froorn
gevroren gefroren frozen froorn ~ fraarn
vorst Frost frost Frost
perhaps? another example:
German: English: Low Saxon:
quer cross dwars, but also dweir,
querulieren grumble queisen
Querulant grumbler Queiser
From: "Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
Subject: Etymology
Dear Lowlanners,
in our regional Low-Saxon (near the mouth of the Elbe river) farmers
call a young, but non-pregnant cow *quein* (phonetic: kvei:n). It sounds
so similar to the engl. *Queen* that I suppose there must be any
relationship between these words. I could not find out yet their common
roots, just besides the fact, that both of them appoint to something
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