LL-L "Festivities" 2002.10.09 (03) [E/LS]
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Wed Oct 9 15:07:26 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 09.OCT.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Hyazinth Sievering (Zintus) <hyazinth.sievering at ewetel.net>
Subject: festivities
Dear Lowlanders,
after months of silence here comes a contribution from my part. For time
reasons and due to personal circumstances I haven't checked all the postings
of the previous months which meanwhile occupy quiete some space on my hard
disk. Starting with the most recent postings I found the customs of St.
Martin a very interesting subject since there is a typical song here in
northern Emsland that children sing on that day when they go from house to
house in the neighbourhood and ask for sweets:
Kip Kap Kögel,
sünner Martins Vögel.
Hier waant de rieke Mann,
de us wall wat geven kann.
Vele schöll he geven,
lange schöll he leven.
Nu laat us nich to lange staan,
wi mööt noch'n Hüüsken wieder gaan.
Wi mööt noch heel na Bremen.
Bremen is 'ne grote Stadt,
dor krieget alle Kinner wat.
After this song the children hold their bags open and the housewife puts the
candies in. When leaving the house they sing:
Buur bind den Pudel an,
dat he us nich bieten kann.
Bitt he us, verklaag wi jau.
Dusend Daaler kost' dat jau.
Does anybody know the meaning of "Kip Kap Kögel" and "Sünner Martins Vögel"
(=the birds of St. Martin ??)
Ansgar Fehnker, I'm quite surprised that there is no St. Martins tradition
in Teglingen as that place is only 30 km away from Wippingen. The other
customs in the Meppen area are almost the same except for "Pinksterblömken"
which is unknown here in Northern Emsland and Hümmling. Maybe you can tell
about that. I would like to know if the custom of "Pinksterblömken" is still
alive there. In the village of Schwefingen, where my mother was born, this
tradition has died in the 1960s. However, I think that it still exists in
the Haselünne region.
Hyazinth Sievering (Zintus)
From: R. F. Hahn sassisch at yahoo.com
Subject: Festivities
Moin, Zintus! Is prima Di wedder mank us to tellen!
I've long wondered what those birds of St. Martin's are. I assume there is
some medieval legend behind it. Well, might the following be the answer?
Martinsfischer (St. Martin's fisherman)
The colloquial name for the kingfisher bird. The legend tells that St.
Martin gave bright white feathers to an ugly black bird, and the kingfisher
was born.
Below is a Low Frankish Martinmas song (Mülheim an der Ruhr) that also
mentions the birds. (How would you classify the variety? It seems very
Limbugish to me.) I had first shared this with you in November 1999.
Hammel, Hans-Dieter (1967), _Bedeutung, Wortschatz und Weltbild der
niederfränkischen Mundart von Mülheim an der Ruhr_; doctoral dissertation,
Freiburg im Breisgau: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität.
(Substitutions: ë for superscript e (schwa), ä for superscript a, ê for ä)
sintër mêêtës füüjëlschë
hêt sun ruuät kapüüjëlschë,
chëfloojë, chëstoowë
wiit, wiit ööwër dë riin,
wuu dë fêtë fêrkës siin.
chut frou, cheeft us wat,
aal dë hünnerkës leejë wat!
boowën in dë fêêschë
hangë dë langë wööstë,
cheeft us dë langë,
loot dë kotë hangë,
loot us nit su lang hii stoon,
wêi müütë ën hüüskë widër choon,
hii fan dên noo êêsë,
hoolën ën fêtëm blêêsë,
hiifüür doofüür,
füür dë riikë koupmansdüür.
Hier wohnt ein reicher Mann,
der uns was geben kann;
viel soll er geben,
lang soll er leben,
selig soll er sterben,
das Himmelreich erwerben (~ ererben).
dë maat dii löp dë trapën ërop,
pak waal in de nöötësak,
pak waal nit dërneewë,
sal us waal wat cheewë.
chif wat, haul wat,
teejën't joor wiër wat.
sintër mêêtës stupstat
schmiit ën apël duar dat chat,
schmiit ën nit të wiit
süs fêlt hë in dên driit (~ diik)
schmiit ën nit të hat,
süs fêlt hë in dat chat.
muus, muus, kum ëruut,
chif us êpël un nöötë,
êpël un nöötë siint su chut
füür dên aulen patsfut.
German-based Orthography (R. F. Hahn)
Sinter Mätes Vüjelsche
hätt su'n ruat Kapüjelsche,
gefloje, gestowe
wiet, wiet öwer de Rhien,
wu de fette Ferkes sien.
Chutt Frou, geeft us wat!
Aall de Hünnerkes leje wat!
Bowen in de Fääsche
hange de lange Wööste.
Geeft us de lange!
Loot de kotte hange!
Loot us nitt su lang hie stohn!
wäi müte en Hüüske widder gohn,
hie van denn noh Äse,
holen en fettem Bläse,
hievür, dovür,
vür de rieke Koupmannsdüür.
Hier wohnt ein reicher Mann,
der uns was geben kann;
viel soll er geben,
lang soll er leben,
selig soll er sterben,
das Himmelreich erwerben (~ ererben).
De Maat, die löpp de Trappen eropp,
Pack wahl in de Nötesack,
Pack wahl nitt dernewe,
sall us wahl wat gewe.
Giff wat, haul wat,
Tejen't Johr wier wat.
Sinter Mätes Stuppstatt
schmiet en Appel duar dat Gatt.
Schmiet en nitt te wiet,
süss fällt he in den Driet (~ Diek).
Schmiet en nitt te hatt,
süss fällt he in dat Gatt.
Muus, Muus, kumm eruut!
Giff us Äppel un Nöte!
Äppel un Nöte siend su gutt
für den aulen Pattsfutt.
Dutch-based Orthography (R. F. Hahn)
(ü as in German 'Hütte', ê as in Afrikaans 'hê' with long and short
versions, oe short before double letters)
Zinter Mêtes vujelsje
het zoenn roeäd kapujelsje,
gefloje, gesjtowe
wied, wied euwer de Rien
woe de vette verkes zien.
Goedd frou, geeft oess wat!
Aal de hünnerkes leje wat!
Bowen in de vêêsje
hange de lange weuste.
Geeft oess de lange!
Loot de kotte hange!
Loot oess nit zoe lang hie sjtoon!
Wei mute en huuske widder goon,
hie van den no Esse,
holen en vettem blesse,
hie vuur, do vuur,
vuur de rieke koupmansduur.
Hier wohnt ein reicher Mann,
der uns was geben kann;
viel soll er geben,
lang soll er leben,
selig soll er sterben,
das Himmelreich erwerben (~ ererben).
De maat, die lup de trappen erop,
pak waal in de neutezak,
pak waal nit dernewe,
zal oess waal wat gewe.
Gif wat, hauwl wat,
tejen't joor wier wat.
Zinter Mêtes sjtoepp-sjtat
sjmiet en appel doeär dat gat.
Sjmiet en nit te wied,
züs felt he in den driet (~ diek).
Sjmiet en nit te hat,
züs felt he in dat gat.
Moes, moes, koemm eroet!
Gif oess eppel oenn neute!
Eppel oenn neute ziend zoe goedd
vuur den auwlen patsfoett.
English translation (R. F. Hahn)
Martinmas Song
Saint Martin's little bird
had one of those little red hoods,
has flown, was blown
far, far across the Rhine
where the chubby piglets are.
Good lady, give us something!
All the chickens lay something!
Up there in the gable
long sausages are hanging.
Give us the long one!
Leave the short one hanging!
Don't let us stand here all that long!
We've got to go to the next house,
from here all the way to Essen,
taking along a fat cow with a blaze
in front of this, in front of that,
in front of the rich merchant's door.
A wealthy man lives here
who can give us things.
He's got to give us plenty.
Long shall he live!
Blissfully he shall die,
shall receive (~ inherit) the heavenly realm!
The maid runs up the stairs,
puts her hand into the bag of nuts.
Her hand surely won't miss.
She surely will give us some.
Give a little, hold a little,
and some more a year from now.
Saint Martin's stubby tail
flings an apple through the hole.
Don't fling it too far,
or it will fall in the muck (~ pond).
Don't fling it too hard,
or it will fall in the hole.
Mouse, mouse, come on out!
Give us apples and nuts!
Apples and nuts are oh so sweet
for the old horse's ass.
Alternative version in Hans Reis, _Die deutsche Mundartdichtung_, Berlin,
Leipzig: Göschen, 1915; pp.13-14:
Sinter Meetes Vügelsche
Het sun ruat Kapügelsche
Chefloge, chestowe
Wahl öwer de Rhin,
Wu die fette Ferkes sind.
Chut Frau, cheeft us wat,
All de Huhner lege wat.
Bowen in de Feesche
Hangen de langen Wööste.
Cheft us de lange.
Löt de kooten hange
Lod us nit su lang hii schtoon,
Wi müte noch en Hüske wider choon,
Hi fan den no Esse,
Holen en fettem Blesse.
Hiefür, dofür,
Für de rike Kaupmannsdür.
Hier wohnt ein reicher Mann,
Der uns was cheben kann
Viel soll er cheben,
Selig soll er schterben,
Das Himmelreich erwerben.
De Maate lööp de Trappen erop,
Pack wahl in de Nüütesack,
Pack wahl ni drneewe,
Se weed us wahl wat cheewe.
Chif wat, hoult wat
Neechent Johr wier wat.
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