LL-L "Language policies" 2002.09.27 (03) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Fri Sep 27 14:34:59 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 27.SEP.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Simon Hoare <simon.hoare at mail.be>
Subject: LL-L "History"
Actually Mike, your mentioning of France got me thinking about the different
ways culture and language (and the names to carry these) can be viewed.
You talk about French Flanders. Well, Lille in France is historically a lot
like Brussels in Belgium (where I live), i.e. it has a history as a
Flemish-speaking city but is entirely French speaking (ok Brussels is only
largely French-speaking). Yet Lille for its French-speaking inhabitants
(i.e. the entire population) is a Flemish city, even with its heavy cultural
and linguistic belonging to France. In Brussels however, it is only Flemish
people who consider it to be a Flemish city.
The point of this is that Flemish has largely (but not
exclusively)linguistic connotations in Belgium. You cannot be Flemish in
Belgium without speaking Flemish. In France, the connotations are more
cultural. It is art, architecture, drinking beer rather than wine etc.
Also, in France, Flemish speakers have French as their official language
(i.e. no Dutch). In Belgium, Flemish speakers have Dutch as their official
language. Ok, French-speakers in Brussels often have confused/ambiguous
conceptions of "their culture".
The only other similar example I can think of is "Celtic" where knowledge of
a Celtic language is not always considered important, and where the majority
of the so-called Celts have a Germanic or Latin language as their mother
tongue. To have had a great grandmother who was from Ireland whose
grandfather spoke Gaelic is often enough to join the Celtic Club in some
parts of the world.
à tantôt/salukes,
From: Mike-club <botas at club-internet.fr>
Subject: Language policies
Dear Lowlanders,
Two of you, some weeks back, noted the conspicuous
absence of two states from the signatories of the European
Charta, Belgium and Ireland. One notable state also in
this category (marginally concerned by LL, having
annexed a piece of Vlaanderen) is France, the land of
égalité, liberté, fraternité, where égalité means a.o. that
all have to speak the same language, and where all other
languages have a common name: patois (meaning
gibberish). Thought I mention that for the record.
Mike Wintzer
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