LL-L "Mythology" 2002.09.27 (11) [D/E/LS]

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Fri Sep 27 20:16:28 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 27.SEP.2002 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
 L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
               V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: George M Gibault <gmg at direct.ca>
Subject: Submerged Dutch town legend

Fellow Lowlanders,

I remember when I was a teenager reading a lovely poem translated into
English about a Dutch town which had been submerged and had become a sort
of phantom apparition. There was a line about the church bell ringing under
the sea. Has anyone got the original Dutch (or Fries?) poem, or prose
versions of this legend? Thanks.

George M. Gibault


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Mythology


There are several such legends along the North and Baltic Sea coasts, e.g.,

German North Sea coast:


 The North has its own Atlantis which is firmly established in the wealth of
sagas and legends: the Frisian town Rungholt which is said to have sunk in
the mud-flats along the North Sea coast of Germany many hundred years ago.
In the Middle Ages, "Rungholte" supposedly was as great and rich as ancient
Rome - until its inhabitants rebelled against God: wild carousers made a sow
drunk, put it in a bed and then sent for the priest to administer Communion
to the "poor pig." When the priest realized what was going on and tried to
flee, the carousers snatched the communion-cup from him and drank their beer
from it. The very next night, a giant tidal wave, a "grote Mandräke," surged
across the dikes, destroyed Rungholt and the seven neighboring villages and
killed thousands of people.
   As early as 1921 one supposedly identified the floodgates of the harbor
in the mud-flats near Pellworm. Only recently an academic expedition
explored this area. Somewhere out there in the mud-flats between Pellworm
and the small island of Südfall, they trudged through the mud and actually
found an ancient book on priests' vestments, a unique piece of evidence
which fuels the story of the legendary city of Rungholt. "We are closer to
the bottom of the sea than to heaven," is a familiar adage used by people
living in this area. Against the background of this story ­ whether Rungholt
existed or not ­ this saying gains a special importance.


German Baltic Sea coast:
(Slavic) Vineta

Vineta, de Stadt up 'n Meeresgrund
   Irgendwo bi Usedom vör de Ostseeküst gäw dat vör lange Tieden de grote
Stadt Vineta. Dat wier 'ne rieke un schöne Stadt, wo allst von Gold un
Sülwer glänzt hett. Awer de Minschen wiern hochmütig un verswennerisch. Ehre
Hunn'n un Katten läten se ut gollen Schötteln fräten, ehre Pierd hebben se
mit sülwern Haufiesens beslagen , un 'n Lock in 'de Huuswand würd mit Brod
tostoppt. Oewer Armut hebben se lacht,
un keem ees een Beddelmann in ehre Stadt, würd he afwiest un verspott't.
Vonwägen ehre Gottlosigkeit wull de Meeresgott Poseidon de Börgers von
Vineta bestrapen. He hett ehr warnt, awer se hürten nich up em. Dor lät he
eenes Dags de Gewalten losbräken: Een förchterlicher Storm wöhlte de Ostsee
up, un de Flot slög oewer de Stadt herin, so dat se all versupen müssten un
nix von all de Pracht oewrig bleew. Vineta is ünnergahn.
   Awer alle hunnert Johr kümmt se an de Oberfläch un kann erlöst
warden. An 'n Ostermorgen dukt se up. Wecker een Sünndagskind is, kann dörch
dat grote Dur in de Stadt ringahn. He moet eenen Koopmann wat för eenen
Penning afköpen, denn is de Bann broken. Awer bet hüüt hett keen' ehr
erlösen künnt.
   Bi stille See un Sünnenschien kannst du Vineta up'n Grund liggen
   Orrer du kannst hürn, dat de Karkenglocken lüden...

Belgian North Sea coast:


0p de plaats waar nu 't "Steenwerk" gelegen is, stond er vroeger een zeer
groote stad: dat was Belsele. De inwoners waren zeer ondeugend en bedreven
alle slag van misdaden en buitensporigheden. Nadat ze lang genoeg den Hemel
hadden uitgedaagd, was eindelijk de maat van hun boosheden vol en het uur
der goddelijke gramschap verscheen! Op zekeren nacht verzonk de stad met
haar booze inwoners: huizen, straten, zelfs de kerk, alles werd in de aarde
verzwolgen. Sedertdien luiden op Kerstnacht de klokken der verzonken kerk
onder de aarde.

Sorry - no poem.


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