LL-L "Help needed" 2003.02.04 (12) [E]

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Tue Feb 4 22:17:43 UTC 2003

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From: Wim <wkv at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2003.02.04 (09) [E]

>From wim verdoold wkv at home.nl


I think that  should be duivenmelker in modern dutch...pidgeonmilker, or
pidgeon keeper in english....




From: Martijna Briggs <mab5 at cornell.edu>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2003.02.04 (10) [D/E]

I found only this link. It puzzles me.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Help needed


> http://www.ikoor.com.tr/ikoorweb/html

Either you have been granted special access to that site or the owners
consider me a _persona non grata_, because I only get an access-forbidden

Oops!  I just found it elsewhere:

This is a Turkish site (.tr/), and it is about furniture all right,
specifically about dining-room furniture (_yemek_ 'to eat').  What _duye_
has to do with this is beyond me.  I only understand it as '(in order to)
catch', '(in order to) feel' or '(in order to) hear'.  At any rate, I am
pretty certain that it has nothing to do with tulips, pigeons, milking or


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