LL-L "History" 2003.02.07 (05) [E/LS]

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Fri Feb 7 16:16:34 UTC 2003

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From: Heinrich Becker <Heinrich.Becker at gmx.net>
Subject: LL-L "Maritime matters" 2003.02.06 (13) [E]

> From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.de>
> Subject: LL-L "Maritime matters" 2003.01.30 (11) [E]

> It was Helmut Schmidt, later chancellor in W.G., Mayorf the city of
> Hamburg
> at that times. Later a chancellor of the Socials, perhaps the best one we
> ever had.

ick heff dacht, du wörst all 'n beetchen öller. Helmut Schmidt was keen (
nie nich) Börgermeester in Hambörg, man bloot Innensenator in de Tiedt van
grote Floot. He heeft sick dorbi sien Meriten verdeint.

Heinrich Becker


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Maritime matters" 2003.02.06 (15) [E]

I know this is slightly off-topic, but I'm so happy to see Helmut Schmidt
praised while, in general, he almost seems forgotten these days, that I have
to throw in my two cent's worth and add that he was probably the only
decent, honest, no-nonsense chancellor we ever had.

True, you don't have to live by the sea to get flooded. I saw a lot of that
as a child in Southern Lower Saxony, where the river Leine still jumps its
banks every year like clockwork. Luckily, there are enough low fields to
catch all that water and there is barely ever any damage done. They even
call this flood area - or the raised parts of it the "Polder", a word that
one usually only hears in connection with the sea coast.

I've had my share of flooding in Oregon as well; our farm was cut off from
everything, including electricty, for days in a row more than once. That was
especially interesting during lambing season when the water was a few
centimeters away from the barn door and we were getting prepared to move the
newborn lambs and their mothers into our kitchen.

There's this joke about the guy who survived the Große Sturmflut in Hamburg
and loves to tell everybody his story for the rest of his life, exaggerating
it more and more every time, of course. Then he dies and goes to heaven; St.
Peter asks him whether he has a special wish and he says yes - he'd like to
have everybody gathered in a big hall so he can tell them all about the
Sturmflut. St. Peter says, "no problem, but keep in mind that Noah will be
in the audience!"

Gabriele Kahn

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