LL-L "Names" 2003.02.08 (04) [E/S]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Sat Feb 8 21:48:17 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 08.FEB.2003 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Klaus-Werner Kahl <kwkahl at bnet-ibb.de>
Hello Lowlanders,
Mostly in the years between the 14th and 16th century it was usefull in
Germany to take the surnames from the profession of the people or from
localities. For the spelling and the pronunciation has changed since that
time it is hard to find out the meaning of surnames.
I ask you for help to find out the meaning of the surname Legedeur. The
family with this name lived in the Emsland area which is in north west of
Germany. Now the family Legedeur lives in the Netherland.
I would appreciate your help!
Guëtgaon! Alles Gute! All the Best!
Klaus-Werner Kahl
From: John M. Tait <jmtait at wirhoose.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Identity" 2003.02.07 (12) [E]
Sandy wrate:
>> From: John M. Tait <jmtait at wirhoose.co.uk>
>> Subject: LL-L "Perception" 2003.02.06 (09) [E]
>> (None of this, however, alters the fact that 'Scots' is the form which we
>> should use generally in Scots writing, and presumably in Scottish
>> English as
>> well.)
Cause o exactly whit we'r speakin aboot - perception. Ye can mak a case for
the word 'Scotch' bein aaricht in English (English English, that is), but
(a) shuirly it maun be a loan word in Scots itsel (like 'much', 'each' an
sae on) sae it wadna mak sense no ti uise it in Scots writin (I'm no speakin
aboot dialogue, at the'r nae reuls for- 'Scoatch' micht be the kynd o mak ye
wad uise ti pit ower the wey some fowk speaks) an (b) cause o whit Chris
says, it wadna be tholed in Scottish English (I mean in general uiss - no
'Scotch Tape' an the like.) Ower monie English-speakin Scots is ower
sensitive til it, an I dout ti uise it in SSE wad nou be gaun hyne agin
normal (or shoud I say 'orra') practics. Ye coud compare the wey at a lot o
Shetlanders micht no be in the laest worried aboot Shetlandic deein oot, but
thay tak a hairy tirrivee gin oniebodie on the wireless speaks aboot 'The
>> (BTW - Sandy - laver bread???)
>Just as the Scots are a nation divided over orthography,
>so the Welsh (or should I say 'Wallace'? :) are a nation
>divided over laver bread. Every now and again at a social
>gathering there's some patriot with a lump of laver bread
>trying to persuade people to eat it. While some view the
>prospect with relish, there's always a considerable number
>who, no matter how strong their desire to show themselves
>as patriotic as the next person, just can't entertain the
>notion of tucking into something that looks like a mutant
>radioctive cowpat, however tasty it might turn out to be.
I see. I dinna think we hae onie seemilar problems wi The Craitur.
>'Na ti 'perception' i ti :)
Um - whit?
John M. Tait.
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