LL-L "Names" 2003.02.23 (04) [E]
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Sun Feb 23 20:00:50 UTC 2003
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From: burgdal32admin <burgdal32 at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2003.02.21 (09) [E]
> FROM: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>Subject: LL-L
> "Names" 2003.02.21 (01) [E]
> Where in English we tend to adapt to revised foreign placenames fairly
> quickly - for example, no-one, even those from England, would ever
> refer to
> the Irish town of Cóbh as "Queenstown" these days (likewise for Laois
> and
> Offaly/Uibh Fháili - formerly Kings' County and Queens' County
> respectively), and "Mumbai" has caught on rapidly too - Germans seem to
> almost cling to their placename history in the East.
> Go raibh maith agat
> Criostóir.
Dear Criostoir (sorry, I don't find the way to put the right accent on
your o),
There is a name in Ireland that intreges me. I live in Oekene a
village that is part of "Roeselare". I wonder if the city of "Rosslar"
in your country has any connections in its history with our regions.
Roeselare and Rosslar are very particular names without any doublures
somewhere else in the world(If not let me know please).
In Flemish "Roeselare" means an open place in the woods (lare) for
horses (ros).The oldest written form is "Roslar" (822).
Luc Vanbrabant
From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2003.02.21 (09) [E]
Críostóir wrote:
>Germans seem to almost cling to their placename history in the East.
You must not forget that quite a few Germans are still alive today who used
to call the towns of Königsberg, Danzig and others their home before their
whole world began to crash around them and they were forced into exile
forever, leaving behind their dead, their homes, their very existences and
all their childhood memories. To them, there is no such place as
Kaliningrad; it will be Königsberg forever. Imagine - an extremely
hypothetical assumption - that London was made part of France some fifty
years ago, and all English people living there were forced into exile to,
let's say, Scotland. You bet they wouldn't call it Londres to this day!
I think this phenomenon will disappear with the last survivors of this
generation. To younger Germans, Kaliningrad is just another town in Russia,
and Gdansk is where Lech Walesa led a famous workers' strike.
Gabriele Kahn
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