LL-L "Compliments" 2003.01.13 (09) [E/S]

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Tue Jan 14 00:34:50 UTC 2003

 L O W L A N D S - L * 13.JAN.2003 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Ian James Parsley <parsleyij at yahoo.com>
Subject:  Welcomes


Well I fear I can't let your modesty prevail!

I doubt I'm the only one on this list inspired by one
man's competence in so many languages. The fact is
linguistic competence is not a measure of any
particular 'talent', but rather of the effort an
individual puts in to trying to understand different
ways of thinking and modes of expression. There is no
such thing as a 'bad linguist', merely a 'lazy' one -
so it is a joy to come across such a diligent one who
has made such an effort. The positive outcome is clear
- an international community of 400 or so which,
despite having so little in common, has got on so well
for nearly 8 years now.

We will disagree with each other but we will always do
so respectfully, a good example of the reality of
being multilingual - and coming to understand that
there are different world views out there.

Such an example is indeed an inspiration, there are
many in the world (and I daresay particularly where I
come from) who would do well to learn from it.

Ian James Parsley
Co Down, Northern Ireland


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Compliments

Sorry.  I could think of no other subject line ...

Ian, A'm thankfu tae ye, bit ... eneuch o the ruise!  It's giein' me a rid
face ...

I get at least as much as I am giving, and I say this without false modesty
while asking all Lowlands-L participants to take a bow, with an encore from
all of you who have spent much time and effort getting our special projects

Folks, what's more fascinating than communication, and language
specifically?  We tend to take it for granted, but just stop and think what
a wonderful gift it is!  Language allows you to touch others and to be
touched by others, and the farther you go in space and time the more
touching this is.  What's more worthy of study, discussion and gratitude?


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