LL-L "Resources" 2003.01.14 (06) [E]
admin at lowlands-l.net
Wed Jan 15 01:25:00 UTC 2003
L O W L A N D S - L * 14.JAN.2003 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * admin at lowlands-l.net * Encoding: Unicode UTF-8
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: Resources
I have added some pages to my website.
The new ones may look purely historical, but I'm building something up to
link territorial history with language behaviour.
1. The annexation of the East of Belgium in 1940:
Germany did not just recover Eupen-Malmedy,
but annexed also the 9 Limburgish speaking municipalities of the Montzen
Because of their germanic dialect, these Belgians were also incorprated in
the Reich in 1940-1944, and some of the boys had to serve in Russia. The
Belgian government made new legislation in its war residence in London,
nobody was aware off, but nevertheless several of these people, for as far
as they survived, were severely punished during the repression years after
the war.
This explains partly why all these people declared themself just
"French-speaking" at the language census of 1947, and so they became part of
French-speaking Wallonia in 1962-1963. (To the outside they are completely
French, but curiously they still have theatre plays organised in Limburgish
The page shows, with German army maps, this annexation was planned,
including the annexation of the "Montzener land". Details are given about
other walloon municipalities, which also lost some teritory (and
inhabitants) to the Germans in 1940.
I think it's very similar to what happened in the Elzas/Alsace and in
similar areas, and how people behaved languagewise after the war.
2. Historical Limburg.
The town:
with an old map and some (old) pictures.
The duchy (map):
The lands of Overmaas / Outre-Meuse (map):
3. Liège - Luik - Lüttich
Old principality (includes the actual Belgian Limburg)
and old bishopric (includes also Noord-Brabant and Aachen)
These maps may require some download time for those who are not on cable nor
on ADSL.
(I'm actualy on ADSL myself)
Index dialects:
Provisional index: written Dutch from the Limburg area
Provisional Index: Territorial history:
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