LL-L "Orthography" 2003.03.01 (01) [D/E]

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Sat Mar 1 17:53:01 UTC 2003

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From: Ian James Parsley <parsleyij at yahoo.com>
Subject:  Orthography


I like it!

I did throw _judgement_ into Google just from
mischievous interest and it did return a good few
American texts.

The more I think of it, the more spelling reminds me
of driving. We always criticize everyone else's, but
of course we're perfect ourselves. And we all have our
pet peeves, and other things which by any logic should
irritate us the same way but just don't. Just goes to
show the power of instinct over logic - or something
like that.

Clearly those who hog the passing lane on a dual
carriageway/divided highway should face the same
punishment as those who write 'thanx' with an <x>.
Outrageous! <grin>

Yours in sensless advisery,

Ian James Parsley
+44 (0)77 2095 1736
JOY - "Jesus, Others, You"


From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject:  Orthography

The Belgian newpapers "Het Belang van Limburg" and "Gazet van Antwerpen"
highlight today a legal issue that has to do with the Belgian version of the
new European parking disc, compulsory from March 31th on, in "bleu

They found out (a little late) that the ministerial decree of May 14th 2002
contains a spelling error.

The imposed tekst on the disc is:
Uur van aankomst
Heure d'entrée

14 MEI 2002. - Ministerieel besluit tot wijziging van het ministerieel
besluit van 1 december 1975 tot vaststelling van de kenmerken van bepaalde
schijven, bebakeningen en platen die voorgeschreven zijn door het algemeen
reglement op de politie van het wegverkeer Publication :2002-05-31 (Ed. 1)
Can be found by search on website http://www.just.fgov.be/index_nl.htm (take
"beeld" for the pdf version with images)

Ankunftzeit should be Ankunft_s_zeit.

The minister of traffic Durant pleads innocence and rolls all blaim to the
Federal service for Mobility. The spokesman of the this service declares
both "Ankunftzeit" and "Ankunftszeit" correct German, but virtually
everybody thinks this is not correct. (cf. old and new Duden)

The federal government never legalized any German orthography.
The Belgian "Rat der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft " though accepted the
new German orthography:
26. OKTOBER 1998. - Dekret über die Einführung der Neuregelung der deutschen
Rechtschreibung Publication :1999-04-08 (Ed. A)
In the list (112 pp) annexed to this decree Ankunft(s)zeit is not listed
(since it was not an issue at the reform)

The insurance DVV, the newspapers "Het Belang van Limburg" and the "Gazet
van Antwerpen" will distribute discs with the correct orthography next
Monday. Many people think though these discs will be illegal, since they are
not compliant with the law.


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