LL-L "Orthography" 2003.03.28 (05) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Sat Mar 29 03:36:34 UTC 2003

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From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
Subject: "Orthography"

> From: Sandy Fleming [sandy at scotstext.org]
> Subject: "Resources"
> Lowlanders,
> I'm currently setting up a whole new Scotstext site - not
> yet available though if you want to consult the few texts
> that are already there, they're at http://scotstext.org/new.asp
> for the moment.
> There's one page I've just set up which you might want to
> use or provide feedback for. It's the Scotstext spelling
> correction wordlist at:
> http://scotstext.org/lexicon/variant_wordlist.asp

Thanks to a spot of Perl programming I've got the above
dictionary converted into inverse form, available from the
menu at the top of the above page. I've changed the name of
the page, but the old link given above still works for now.
The new URLs for the two forms of the dictionary are:


but each links to the other.

An "inverse dictionary" is useful for finding rhymes (a bit
awkward in Scots because of spelling irregularities) and for
investigating suffixes and inflections. For example, everything
ending in -ed, or -na, or -ment or whatever will be found
together in the inverse dictionary.

Can anyone think of any other useful dictionary orderings or
formats that could be generated from a normal wordlist? Perl
is great for this sort of thing! I'm also trying to get the
dictionary marked up with parts of speech and somehow get
definitions and pronunciation included, but dictionaries
being the size they are, this sort of thing will probably
take a long time.


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