LL-L "Language use" 2003.05.07 (08) [E/LS/Danish/Jutish]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Wed May 7 22:15:16 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 07.MAY.2003 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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From: Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <kenneth at gnu.org>
Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2003.05.07 (07) [LS]


A æ hielt enig mæ Friedrich. I må snak' nøj mer' plat, så ka a å lær' å
å å skriw' det, å det ve a møj gern'

Men a hår li' jæn spørsmål - ka I overhoved læs' jysk? For det æ a lidt
bang' for at I ett ka.

Men skriwer I lidt mer' å dialekt, så vent 'n halv år - så skriwer a mæ


> From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann" <Friedrich-Wilhelm.Neumann at epost.d
> Subject: Administratives
> Moin, Reynhart, Leeglanners,
> wo kann 't angoohn?
> Opp LL-L lppt siit (lange) Tiiden nix meihr opp Platt, de letzen Moond'
> ver 90% in 't Ingelte.
> Wi wull 'n doch ver Sassisch schrieven unn' snacken (sau steiht dat
> innne
> www.), mann- hefft Jii dat vergeeten? Schinees, Gaelic, Jiddish,
> Sponisch-
> hefft wii aal haa 't, mann: meist keen Flaamsch, keen Frees'sch, meist
> keen
> Plautdietsch, weinig Scotch un' amend keen (LG) Plattdtsch.
> Is joo ook commood, allens opp Ingelt tau schrieven! Mookt foors wieter
> sau,
> un' datt waard 'n Ingeltet Forum. Is ook gaud, blauts amend ne' datt, f
> r
> watt de Ideei stnn.
> Snackt, watt Jii wllt- watt mi aargern deiht: datt gifft 'n heel Blt
> Plattdtsche in Germany, un' 'n Baarg doorvon kennt LL-L, - wo kann 't
> angoohn, watt wii mann mit dreei, veer Ld (Ron, Dan, Helge, Holger,
> ... -
> whom did I forget?) dennen heelen Kroom mookt? Ick gss, door sn' 'n
> poor
> Milliaunen Plattdtsche, de datt woll best lees'n kunnen, watt wii
> schrieven dauht!
> Hauch mit Jau 'n Moors! Wees 't 'ne bang; mookt driest 'n Ingelte or
> hauchdtsche versetten, wenn Jii watt schrieven dauht.
> Miin Platt schall amend ook woll de "ultima ratio" ne ween, un' miin
> Ingelt
> all laang ne!
> 't allerbest:
> Fiete.
> (Friedrich W. Neumann)
> -----
> "Iced Earth" (originally W.S., Macbeth)


From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "Language use" 2003.05.07 (07) [LS]

At 02:08 PM 05/07/03 -0700, Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann wrote:
>Moin, Reynhart, Leeglanners,
>wo kann 't angoohn?
>Opp LL-L löppt siit (lange) Tiiden nix meihr opp Platt, de letzen Moond'
>över 90% in 't Ingelte.

I've noticed a bit, too.  However, please remember, you Platt speakers,
that many (perhaps even the vast majority) of us can now at least read
language fluently, and would prefer much more to be written in it, even
we cannot respond competently in that language.  No one on this list
feel they need to write in English in order to be understood.  I
upon this list very shortly after its inception with the goal of
some Frisian, and got the added benefit of learning a fair bit of Platt

Ed Alexander, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language use

[English below]

Ja, ja, ik kan nich seggen, dat ik mit Fiete, Kenneth un Ed eer meynen
nich över eyns bün.  Wat sey seen, dat dayt vör dey heyle List un vör
altyd gelden.  Dat hebt wy al mennig maal segd.  Wy schullen versöyken,
so veel as mööglich in use eygenen spraken tou schryven, un, ja, dat hö
lpt, wen 'n översetten in 'n bekantere spraak daar mit by is.  Avers 'n
barg mang us hebt man bloots Ingelsch as eynsige or betere spraak, un
dey lüyd' schullen sik nich schandeerd vörkamen.  Ook kümt 't af un an
maal vör, dat 't so 'n wat technischer internatschonaal diskereren givt,
ook myn administrativia (dey sik an hüyn un perdüyn richten dout), un
daar is dat vaken tou swaar un wydlöftig, wen 'n daar tou noch allens
drey lang drey breyd verklaren mutt, wat dey lüyd' nich verstaan köönt.
Ingelsch as lingua franca? Ja.  Man dey anneren spraken ook so vaken as
mööglich an d'n törn laten.

Folks, I can't argue with Fiete's, Kenneth's and Ed's appeal that we
should try to keep the English language contents down as much as
possible, so to give more bandwidth to other language varieties, if
necessary and possible with English and other better known language
varieties as auxiliaries for the benefit of the learners among us.
However -- and I also go along with Ed's "disclaimer" -- I would not
like this to get to a point where speakers of English with little or no
foreign language proficiency are made to feel bad.  Furthermore,
occasionally we have a discussion about more technical matters, and it
may at times be too cumbersome to do this on a multilingual level,
especially where the subject matter (e.g., phonology) is perceived
difficult by many.  Most of the time I will use only English in
administrative announcements.  Yes, English is our lingua franca, but we
should do our best to allow the other languages to get a word or two in


> Men a hår li' jæn spørsmål - ka I overhoved læs' jysk? For det æ a lidt
> bang' for at I ett ka.

Ja, Kenneth, jeg forstår det, og jeg er især interesseret i sønderjysk.
However, many people will have problems with Scandinavian, especially
with lesser-known varieties.  I am sure they would appreciate reading
them with some English and/or Dutch help.

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