LL-L "Attire" 2003.05.18 (02) [D/E/S]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Sun May 18 18:08:50 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 18.May.2003 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: globalmoose at t-online.de (Global Moose Translations)
Subject: LL-L "Attire" 2003.05.17 (02) [E/LS]

> Och, A'm sae struntit, winna aye get throu!  Dis "midden-head" stand fer
> "Lowlands-L" then?

Hey, I'm of Lower Saxon peasant stock - there's little we respect quite
much as our dungheaps! They collect contributions from everybody, let
ferment for a while, and then provide the fertile soil that is needed
growth and development. Their contents are carried out into the world
spread around - a little here, a little there - for the benefit of all.
like Lowlands-L. Only it smells better.

> > Aye an weer yer kilt at the same time.

> Ay, an wi it A'll be weerin an "Elbsegler" an a "Pijack" (a kep an a
> strippit sark that are wurn in Northern Germany an in the Netherlands).
> That'll ramfeezle her fer a wee whilie.

Two strong men will have to hold me up... or back...
... als je maar niet vergeet, om er ook nog je klompen bij aantetrekken!

Misschien kunnen we dat wel als de officiële Lowlands-L-klederdracht
invoeren... dan weten de aanwezige vrouwen helemaal niet meer, welke
kant ze
op moeten kijken!

On the other hand... maybe some things are better left unimagined... :-)

Gabriele Kahn

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