LL-L "Delectables" 2003.11.12 (08) [E]

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Wed Nov 12 19:04:30 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 12.NOV.2003 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: sam claire <samclaire at mybluelight.com>
Subject: LL-L

Hello Gang:  Actually, the tomato herring in question I grew up on was a
sardine.  Sam


From: ezinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2003.11.12 (06) [E]

Hi all,

Here in South Africa we enjoy 'roll mops' which are a rolled
herring 'pickle' and packed with onions, juniper and pepper corns.

They are yummie and basically also disintegrate on the palat.
In some delicatessen they are made into a creamy sweetish 'Dutch' salad.

I like them chopped up in a cool starter salad with beetroot, apple,
onion, chopped cooked potatoes and with a dash of mayonnaise.
Lekker on a piece of Berliner Landbrot after a day in the fridge and when
turned pink from the beetroot.

Elsie [Zinsser]

Ron said:
> Folks, for those of you who are not familiar with this "matjes herring"
> thing we North Germans and Netherlanders are talking about, suffice it to
> explain that it is herring filets pickled in brine (often with spices such
> as juniper berries and pepper corns).


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables


Yeah, _Rollmops_ ... That's yet another cattle of fish.  ;)  I have a hunch
it originated in Northern Germany or thereabouts.  Essentially, it is a
rolled-up _Bismarckhering_.  A _Bismarckhering_ is a herring filet without
bones and with skin (as opposed to skinless matjes herring) preserved in a
vinegar-based solution with spices (as opposed to brownish matjes herring
that is preserved in a salt solution), typically containing pepper corns,
yellow mustard seeds and bayleaf.   When a _Bismarckhering_ is rolled up to
make a _Rollmops_ the roll contains extra spices, pieces of vinegared
cucumber (pickles) and in some cases onion pieces.  The roll is secured with
toothpicks.  This is the hangover breakfast or cure of choice and is snapped
up particularly after carnival and New Year's Eve.

Pieces of both _Bismarckhering_ and _Matjeshering_ are used as ingredients
in various types of North German salad, which are rather akin to
Scandinavian salads.

Again, there are Scandinavian equivalents of _Bismarckhering_ and
_Rollmops_, but their flavor tends to be too sweet for North German palates.
Equivalents from "Holland," too, sometimes don't pass the low sweetness
test.  When it comes to "staples" of this sort, people tend to reject
anything even slightly "strange," even regional variants, and North Germans
are traditionally rather _krüüsch_ (< _küür-(i)sch_, 'picky', 'choosy')
eaters (though things are changing rapidly now).


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