LL-L "Etymology" 2003.09.11 (13) [E]

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Fri Sep 12 00:10:52 UTC 2003

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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "List" 2003.09.11 (05) [D/E]

Uilleam wrote:

> I should be more careful, but surely you recognized that I did not mean to
> stereotype all Germans. But the culture as a whole has, like someone said
> the word Germanic, a knee-jerk reaction when it comes to things that
> to German-ness. I'm sorry for the generalization.

No need to apologise, I know you didn't mean it that way. But I must admit I
have become a little touchy to those generalisations, having lived in the
USA for 8 years, where statements involving "the Germans", "the French",
"the Poles" etc. were often... I can't think of an appropriately polite way
to express this, so allow me to leave this sentence unfinished. :-)

Coming to think of it, in the course of my lifetime I have become more and
more touchy to generalisations of ALL kinds, including "men are..." and
"women can't..." and so on....

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: List


> But I must admit I
> have become a little touchy to those generalisations, having lived in the
> USA for 8 years, where statements involving "the Germans", "the French",
> "the Poles" etc. were often... I can't think of an appropriately polite
> to express this, so allow me to leave this sentence unfinished. :-)

I know you tried hard to avoid sounding generalizing yourself here.  ;)  And
so you should.  I don't know what the place in Oregon was like where you
lived, but I do know that the United States are far more diverse than most
Europeans I know are aware of.  Here in Seattle I don't hear things like
that often.  The only two people I know here that regularly make remarks of
that sort are European expatriates, one British and one Belgian (to a degree
that I have had to ask them to stop sharing their "jokes" with me).  (I
can't really call both of them "dinosaurs," because the Belgian is
relatively young.)  I hear such stereotyping remarks far more often when I
visit Europe.  I'm sure you'll find this anywhere in the world.  However, it
is less and less openly expressed.  Most born and raised Americans and
Canadians know that it is no longer appropriate to express themselves that


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