LL-L "Currency" 2004.04.21 (11) [E/Indonesian]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Apr 21 18:33:30 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 21.APR.2004 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Muhammad Trotsky <trotsky_jawa at yahoo.com>
Subject: What will be the value of Rijks-daalder at present?

Hi there,

I was reading an interesting passage when I try to figure out the value of
forest 'criminal' fine in Java Island, 300 years ago. Let me quote the
passage for you:

  When the Dutch colonial government took over Indonesia from VOC in the
late 18th century, it took control of land, trees and labor in teak-rich
areas through the Dienst van het Boschwezen created in 1808. Under the
Boschwezen, villagers were restricted from accessing teak for lumber, and
were only allowed to collect deadwood and non-timber forest products.
Regulations were established punishing all uses of the forest unauthorized
by the state, thus criminalizing many customary uses of the forest. The
maximum penalty for forest “criminals” was ten years in prison or a fine of
200 rijks dollars. Two-thirds of this fine went to the state and one-third
to the person who reported the crime. Fortunately, these harsh regulations
were not enforceable as there was not yet a forest police force. Instead,
the Boschwezen had sub-district forest managers overseeing some 100,000
laborers through the blandongdiensten system. Each woodcutter or blandong
received a small annual allowance of iron, salt, and gunpowder, and a daily
supply of 1.5 kilograms hulled rice. As an incentive, partial advance
payments for logs were made, with the remainder paid on delivery to the
coastal log yards. Payments were administered through middlemen, and often
were not received by the workers.

My question is about the value of 200 rijks dollars, how much will it be for
today value? I just want to imagine how severe or how light was the
punishment forest criminal, specially compare to today's fine.
If 1 rijks dollar = 2.5 gulden, could we say that the value of the fine--200
rijksdaalder--today will be equal to 500 guldens, which is more or less as
much as 270 USD?

Sincerely yours,

Ahmad Dani Subarkah


From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Currency

Halo, Ahmad!

Selamat datang ke Lowlands-L!

Saya berharap bahwa seseorang bisa menjawab pertanyaan anda.

Salam bersahabat,
Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn
Founder & Administrator, Lowlands-L
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net

P.S.: Ngomong-ngomong, saya sudah mengunjungi Jokjakarta. Sangat indah!

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