LL-L "Folklore" 2004.08.14 (08) [E]

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Sun Aug 15 05:01:22 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 14.AUG.2004 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: ANNETTE GIESBRECHT <beautyaround at email.com>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2004.08.13 (02) [E]

The reason that Peter Jackson  did not chose non white actors to portray
elves and the other intelligent beings in that film was that people, through
Hollywood's interpretation now a days, would construe that the Elves are
good because they are Black or whatever ethnic group the actors came from
Some of Hollywood's directors wanted him to do so, but it was because of
racial guilt not because of who was the best. Besides elves have an ethereal
quality about them, best portrayed by someone with blonde or white hair,
pale skin, and who is tall and thin.  Then instead of the Lord of the Ring
series being good triumphs over evil film, it would be downgraded into our
race is better than your race.  So therefore, Peter Jackson did the correct

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