LL-L "Help needed" 2004.08.24 (12) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Aug 24 21:20:53 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 24.AUG.2004 (12) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Roger Hondshoven 2 <roger.hondshoven at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2004.08.18 (02) [E]
Hi Andy,
I suppose you mean what is called "postalveolars" in the IPA Help chart. The
voiceless variant looks like a kind of standing snake with a curl to the
right at the top and a curl to the left at the bottom. The voiced consonant
is z with a leftcurving hook at the bottom. I hope you get the idea.
I have been trying to use IPA characters in my postings to Lowlands, but
without success. I seem to remember having read somewhere that Unicode
supports the SilDoulos IPA characters, but I have never been able to use
them in any posting. It would be a blessing if we could use them.
Kind regards,
From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Help needed
I've been having the same problem.
However, apparently you can copy the IPA bits and then paste it into your
word processor and choose SIL Doulos. Apparently it works if you copy from
the archives also. Round-about but better than naught, I guess.
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