LL-L "Anniversay" 2004.12.05 (11) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sun Dec 5 23:23:01 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 05.DEC.2004 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Following Mike Szelog's laudable Old English (Anglo-Saxon) example, I've
written an Old Saxon draft translation of our anniversary story about the
wren, and I invite you to give me your input. You will find the draft at
the end of this.
I am following medieval spelling but for technical and convenience reasons
am replacing the barred "b" with <v> and <uu>~<u> with <w>. (A fake
facsimile with the traditional spelling will appear at our anniversary
site.) This spelling does not differentiate between tense and lax /e/ and
/o/ (both short and long). I will, however, differentiate these in my sound
recording and possibly in an IPA transcription.
(Old English and Old Saxon pronunciations are pretty well known on the basis
of spelling dialect variations. But of course these are just good
hypotheses, educated guesses.)
You will find the original and several translations of the story here:
http://www.sassisch.net/rhahn/low-saxon/ls-story.html. The anniversary
presentations will be much, much nicer and will also have sound recordings.
Thanks to everyone who so far has participated or pledged contributions.
Please keep them coming (texts to me, and sound recordings to Henry Pijffers
<henry.pijffers at saxnot.com>). Our 10th anniversary will be in April and May
of 2005.
Old Saxon:
The wrendilo havda is nest in themu waganseli. Wârun thê eldiron ênes bêðia
ûtgifaran, willeandi gihalôn hwat te quecôn for iro jungon, endi havdun
alaênfarlâtan thê luttike.
Efto bikeride fadar wrendilo. »Hwat is hêr giwurðan?« quað hê. »Hwê havda
giu lêð gisidôn, barn? Gî sindun all sô âcuman!«
»Wenk, fadar,« quâdun siu, »ên mikil unholdo is hêr an ûs farlîsan! Allsô
grimmlîk endi forhtlîk was is andbâri! Hê starroda an ûs neste innan mid
mikilum ôgum. Bithiu sindun wî nû sô undarbâdôn.«
»Wel,« quað the aldiro, »hwarod is hê nû gigangan?«
»Thar,« quâdun siu, »hê is tharod gigangan.«
»Bîdað!« quað fadar wrendilo, »ik scal imu fulgangan. Ne wesað blôthi, barn!
Ik scal ina wel fâhan.« Efto fôr hê imu bihindan.
Allsô hê umbi thia eggia quam, was that the leo, the thar hliop.
Ac the wrendilo was ni âcuman. Fôr hê an thes lêwes bak niðar endi deda
âhebbian te skeldan. »Hwêo cumis thû tô mînemu hûse,« quað hê, »endi
undarbâdôs mîne barn?«
Ni rôkida the leo thes ac geng forð.
That macoda thes luttilan wîgandes ôbult noh starkora. »Neowiht haves thû
thar te sôkian, seggiu ik thî. Endi quemes thû wîðar,« quað hê, »sô werðes
thû sehan. Thoh nek williu that sôðfast dôn,« quað hê endi efto gihôf ên fan
is bên, »ac ik sculi mid ênera trada tebrekan thîn bak.«
Efto fôr hê wîðar tô is neste.
»Thar, barn,« quað hê, »themu hebbiu ik êna lêra gigevan. Nio scal hê ni
wîðar cuman.«
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