LL-L "Names" 2004.05.03 (13) [E/LS]

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Tue May 4 03:17:45 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 03.MAY.2004 (13) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: GMeyer6103 at aol.com <GMeyer6103 at aol.com>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.05.03 (03) [E]

There is also "Scotch Tape" that is produced by 3M. It is sold in a trade
marked plaid container.....Gary Meyer


From: Thomas <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.05.03 (12) [D/E]

on 4/5/04 8:07, Andy (Scots-Online) <andy at scots-online.org wrote:

> I was always under the impression that the adjective or noun Scotch is an
> Early Modern English contraction of the word Scottish that was later
> into Scots.
The facy of the matter is that when I grew up we were taught that referring
to our people as Scotch was anathema. Having been raised in this way, like
thousands of other Scots I still dislike being called Scotch despite older
origins. I will be interested to find out what the current trends are when I
get there in mid June.
I do agree with Sandy about the deliberate suppression of Scots by schools
at English instigation. This led to some ridiculous perversions of words,
gentile ladies for example would refer to "Pork" as "Pawrk" because that
"OH" was just common. "Margarine" had to be pronounced "Margharine" for
similar reasons. Responding to a query with "Aye" meant a belt on the ear at
home, accompanied by a yelled "YES !", and a few strokes of the tause at
school. Craziest episode was when I got such a belt from my mother for
mentioning America's latest Lockheed fighter. Belt and yell of "HEAD !".
That is how damned stupid it all got by the mid 1940's.
When I get back to Edinburgh I shall speak Scots with pride whatever today's
opposition. Folks like Andy and Sandy have taught me more than they realise
since I joined this List.
Tom Mc Rae PSOC
Brisbane Australia
"The masonnis suld mak housis stark and rude,
To keep the pepill frome the stormes strang,
And he that fals, the craft it gois all wrang."
>>From 15th century Scots Poem 'The Buke of the Chess'


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names


> When I get back to Edinburgh I shall speak Scots with pride whatever
> opposition.

Good on ya, mate!  Try an in-your-face approach if need be!  They won't know
what hit them.  ;-)

> Folks like Andy and Sandy have taught me more than they realise
> since I joined this List.

Ah! That's loosome, lillie muisic in a leet maister's ears!  They'v taucht
me a heap an aw, Tam.

An A winna caw ye "Scotch."


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