LL-L "Language varieties" 2004.11.19 (04) [E]

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Fri Nov 19 20:38:26 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 19.NOV.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Henry Pijffers <henry.pijffers at saxnot.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2004.11.19 (02) [E]

Ron schreev:
> Gary, I can think of no maps that show this, which is why I am still
> tentative about it with regard to "peripheral" varieties.  I go as far as
> saying that, if there are rhotic varieties, they are a tiny minority, are
> indeed peripheral, due to an overlap with a neighboring rhotic group.
> I suspect this to be a possibility is at the farwestern edge of the
> area, where Lowlands Saxon has direct contacts with Dutch and the two
> languages influence each other.  I am very curious about this myself and
> would love to hear about it from our friends in or from the Netherlands.
> However, I am under the impression that even many or most varieties in
> region are basically non-rhotic.
At least Twente Saxon is non-rhotic, and from what I gather of the
neighbouring dialects of Salland and the Achterhoek, they are non-rhotic
as well. This leaves only the Veluwe, with which I'm not at all familiar
with, where rhotic varieties might occur.

 > By and large, Low Franconian is rhotic, though there may be Dutch
 > dialects on Saxon substrates that are not.  I don't know and would
 > love to find out.
As for non-rhotic dialects in Dutch, the dialect of The Hague might be a
candidate. My knowledge of Hagueish is not good enough, but they do
leave out a lot of -r's, often replacing it in writing by -ah, e.g.
"bekah" for "beker", etc.

Hagueish has more similarities with Saxon, although the reason for this
is unknown to me. Perhaps a sufficient number of Saxons settled in the
area to have some influence?

> There was a Hanseatic _kantor_ (office, burea) in London,
Interesting, the word I mean. What do you call it in North Saxon nowadays?



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language varieties

Henry (above):

> > There was a Hanseatic _kantor_ (office, burea) in London,
> >
> Interesting, the word I mean.

Not the rest of the stuff I wrote, huh?  ;-)

> What do you call it in North Saxon nowadays?

It's mostly _konto(o)r_ or _buyro_ (<Büro>).  I think that _konto(o)r_ was
either used as a variant of _kanto(o)r_ or was later introduced via German
(_Kontor_).  (Doesn't it come from _comtoir_?)  Note that in Scandinavian it
is _kontor_, also with reference to the Hanseatic branch offices, supposedly
a Saxon loanword.

(A _Kantor_ would nowadays be a "cantor.")


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