LL-L "Delectables" 2004.10.29 (14) [E/LS]

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Sat Oct 30 00:27:04 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 29.OCT.2004 (14) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2004.10.29 (06) [LS]

Ron wrote:
> So, wat is dat för 'n Äten, düt "Pluckte Finken mit Höhnerbree un hackte
> Müse mit stowte Mürmannsnäsen" (lit. _plucked finches/sparrows with
> mash and chopped mice with steamed masons' noses_)?  Höört sik gräsig un
> ääklig an!  Ah, ja!  Heff dat Rezept jüst funnen:

This reminds me of a Dutch recipe that is a favourite with my children:
"Blote billetjes in het groene gras" - ahem - how do  say this politely
enough for our American friends? "Naked butt cheeks in the green grass".
Somehow it sounds so much cuter in Dutch.

It's basically a mashed potato dish, with lots of (canned) green beans mixed
in, half of them puréed with the potatoes for color and the other half sort
of shredded to look a bit like grass. Mix all this together (add butter,
milk and salt as usual) and then add a can of large white beans (like navy
beans, only bigger; or use fava beans) for... the other part. Goes well with
fried eggs or sausages...

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

Thanks for sharing that, Gabriele.  The recipe sounds almost as bad as the
name of the dish, but perhaps less cute.

What about _Pinkel_ of the general Bremen and Oldenburg area, this type of
smoked sausage stuffed with fat meat and groats and eaten with kale as a
winter dish, particularly around Christmas (consistent with eating similar
kale dishes in the Netherlands)?  Weird name, _Pinkel_, sounding like "pee"
or "piddle."  :-(

I suppose I'm turning _krüysch_ (<krüüsch> "picky with food" < _küyrsch_
'choosy') in my older years, when I would eat just about anything in my
traveling years (and I did travel to very "exotic" places and did eat
unspeakable things).  Perhaps it doesn't help that I'm currently in
transition to vegetarianism, starting to get grossed out by the smell and
look of meat ...


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