LL-L "Identity" 2005.04.10 (08) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sun Apr 10 21:19:17 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 10.APR.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "Identity" 2005.04.10 (06) [E]
At 12:16 PM 04/10/05 -0700, Ron wrote:
>It took me decades of maturing to arrive at a place where I can feel that
>with such a step I am not endorsing current predominant attitudes,
>laws, government officials and the like, but am officially tying the knot
>with an idea and an ideal that is worthy, though unfortunately far from
>being realized. The official rejection of hierarchies ("All men are born
>equal"), assurance of fundamentally guaranteed freedoms, and separation
>the state yet freedom of religion, are good enough for me, and so it should
>be if it was good enough for the likes of Albert Einstein and other great
>_mentshn_. I suppose there's room for me somewhere in a pool with a span
>wide as to accommodate the likes of Richard Butler, Jerry Falwell, Noam
>Chomsky and Angela Davies,
You forgot Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. When the latter
was incarcerated for not paying tax that would be used for military
purposes (I'm a little foggy here, so bear with me), and was told that he
had to pay it because he was a "citizen", he wrote that he did not consider
himself a member of anything he did not join, and when the former paid him
a visit at the jail and asked him what he was doing in there, Thoreau
countered by asking Emerson what he was doing out there.
>This sort of thing is also what I had embraced
>in passionately outspoken, rough-and-tumble yet deeply compassionate,
>and incredibly generous Australia, something I greatly admire in Canada as
>well (though, of course, the latter two are not [yet] potentate-free).
Just in case you're not just having us on, this would really be a matter of
definition, wouldn't it? Don't forget that Canada actually has more than
two major political parties, several of which are actually not controlled
by the military-industrial complex.
Anyway, I hold citizenship in both countries and am proud of
both. Recalling my own Canadian swearing in of several years ago, I wish
you all the best at yours.
Ed Alexander
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Identity
Ed (above):
> Anyway, I hold citizenship in both countries and am proud of
> both. Recalling my own Canadian swearing in of several years ago, I wish
> you all the best at yours.
Thanks, Ed. It's not the first time for me, but I doubt that this time
around I will be given hugs and a red rose (which I got in Fremantle,
Western Australia). Those folks I encountered this time did not strike me
as belonging to the touchy-feely kind.
Dual citizenship and more is becoming increasingly common (and most of the
ca. 100,000 Australians currently living in the US are expected to take
advantage of it). Germans and many others, too, may now apply to retain
their citizenships after naturalization or may retain it by default.
Hopefully, this is the beginning of something better to come. Alas, I doubt
I'll still be around when they simplify the paperwork to a single global
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