LL-L "Phonology" 2005.04.15 (02) [E/LS]

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Fri Apr 15 18:14:08 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 15.APR.2005 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2005.04.06 (05) [E]

Another example of Dutch Low Saxon, where in this case short <i>
rhymes with short <ü>. Again from Boh Foi Toch, in the last part of their
song  "Waerkommen" (coming back [i.e home, to the Achterhoek]) (ANS):

Ow huyskommen kü'y hyr manges VINDEN
An den Olden Ysselt sit iy good
Hyr bünt de naober vaak noch VRÜNDEN
En is de weld noch neet so groot.

And now the entire song:


De locht hängt swaor under de kappe
Noch evkes en den trein steet voer
Ik hove bloos maor in te stappen
Up weg nao huys, de reise geet doer

Et volk steet üm miy haer to praoten
Se gaot de selvde kante up
Ik lüster met, ik kan't neet laoten
De woerde ryget sik in myn kop


Kyk, moy, kerl bün iy der ok?
Ik loop ow jao so-wat van de bene
Gao-r-iy t'huys ok up de kapok
Dat is toch unmündig lang elene

Een naam, een sin of bloos een klank
Myn hoefd steet nao huys up an
Langs Duyven en Dym in enen gang
Geet völs to drao den trein vördan

Et Montferland lig in de wydten
De weidens draeit oer grote rad
Herinnerings bünt neet weg te slyten
Te depe bünt se vast esat


En of iy komt uyt Yservoorde
Uyt Mokem of uyt Marrakech
Al stun ow weeg in't hoge noorden
In Oosseld of in Bangladesh

Ow huyskommen kü'y hyr manges vinden
An den Olden Ysselt sit iy good
Hyr bünt de naobers noch vaak vründen
En is de weld noch neet so groot



>From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
>Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2005.04.03 (01) [E]
>An example of Dutch Low Saxon where <ö> rhymes with <e> is found in the
>third part of the song "Bernd van Kuyperiy" of the popular Achterhoeks
>band Boh Foi Toch :
>in et voerjaor gao'w dan langs den ES
>wiy lopet daor samen hand in hand
>en biy de bekke in et GRöS
>vleget unse lyve in de brand
>de kalvere stuvet haost doer den draod
>de kyften raert hoog an de locht
>ik wette met miy selv gin raod
>ik heb so lang hyr nao esocht
>ik kryge van ou jao neet genoch
>nee noyt genoch
>(I transcribed it in ANS)
>So <es> (a kind of agr. field) and <grös> grass are rhyming here.
>I'll give you the first two parts of the song too:
>Goyendag myn dern bün iy noch vriy
>myn naam is Bernd van Kuyperiy
>Ik heb 'ne moye burderiy
>den's ok van ou a'y trout met miy
>ik heb good melk up al myne grund
>der is voer twe platse sat
>'k heb vyftig beeste en een hund
>myn va en mo woont ampart
>a'y biy myn komt
>geev ik myn lyf, geev ik myn hart
>Ik sag ou aover straote gaon
>iy kwamen kort an miy voerbiy
>Mag ik wel evkes biy ou staon
>myn naam is Bernd van Kuyperiy
>Ik heb ou hyr noch noyt eseen
>iy komt hyr sekers neet vandan
>Ik voele miy mangs so alleen
>gin derntjen wög et met miy an
>Ik do voer ou, a'y biy miy komt
>al wat ik kan
>In et voerjaor gao'w dan ... etc
>The dialect is Western Achterhoek Low Saxon, as one may see with a lot of
>schwa-deletion already - like neighboring Low Franconian and Dutch, and
>using sec. pers. pronouns <iy/ou> in stead of more Eastern <dou/diy>,
>again as in Dutch <jij/jou> and Low Franc. <giy/ou>.
>Ingmar Roerdinkholder
>>From: Theo Homan <theohoman at yahoo.com>
>>Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2005.04.02 (04) [E]
>>> Would rhyming "u" with "i" sound OK in the other
>>> Lowlands languages?
>>> Darrin
>>'Not-perfect' rhyming is generally accepted  [at least
>>in the Germanic languages] when the two rhyming sounds
>>have the same number [and kind] of distinctive
>>features, unless one.
>>Theo Homan

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