LL-L "Idiomatica" 2005.08.02 (02) [D/E]
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Tue Aug 2 15:20:24 UTC 2005
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From: David Winterburn <david.winterburn at steinmuller.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2005.08.01 (05) [A/D/E]
Hi Lowlanders
>Hi Lowlanders, Elsie Zinsser writes:
>Incidentally, is the expression:
>"Geld wat krom is, maak reg wat stom is" known in other Lowlands
>languages, especially in Mennonite Plautdietsch? (Jelt daut stomm ess,
>moakt rajcht waut kromm es)?
>Hi Elsie, Ja in het Nederlands komt het ook voor.
>"Geld dat stom is, maakt recht wat krom is"
The above idiom in cropped form is now the title of an Afrikaans Mini-series
being aired on English TV in South Africa (with English Sub-titles) I
remember the idiom because my wife explained that it does not have a direct
translation into English.
Dave Winterburn
From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L idiomatica
Hi all!
Jacqueline, you are right. The Mennonite belief system did originate in
Europe and its believers fled both conscription and religious persecution.
I was asking whether this expression is actually known in Plautdietsch, and
not assuming that it is.
Elsie Zinsser
>>if we have it in common with Mennonite Plautdietsch it must be old. Or am
wrong in assuming that most of Menno Simons' followers originated in the
Netherlands and moved from there to
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