LL-L "Media" 2005.01.10 (08) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Jan 11 02:24:43 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 10.JAN.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: "Szelog, Mike" <Mike.Szelog at citizensbank.com>
Subject: LL-L "Media" 2005.01.10 (06) [E]
Criostair wrote in part:
The Story of English (BBC Books) is highly recommended for anyone
interested in English generally or academically. It has a chapter on Scots
and its relationship to English ("The Guid Scotch Tongue", I believe it is
subtitled), and another chapter on the Irish input into the development of
English (and vice versa), which includes the Paternoster in Yola. Helpful
maps and excerpts throughout. Though it's probably out of print now, I've
seen it in most libraries in Britain at least.
I concur - it's an excellent book - I believe it's still available -
paperback as well as hard cover - I've seen paperback editions in second
hand bookshops for a fraction of the hardcover price! The series was great!
If you get a chance to see it, do! It's well worth it.
Mike Szelog
Manchester, NH - USA
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Media
Mike (above):
> I concur
Me too! Me too! It's good in that it is as thorough as it can be while
still being accessible and enjoyable for non-linguists.
> I believe it's still available -
> paperback as well as hard cover - I've seen paperback
> editions in second
> hand bookshops for a fraction of the hardcover price!
Unless I was dreaming, I saw it recently in paperback in a bookstore, and
it seemed like a new edition or a reprint.
I know for sure there's a revised version of 1993 (ISBN 0140154051)
offered for as little as about USD 20. The video costs about USD 90.
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