LL-L "Songs" 2005.06.12 (03) [E]
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Sun Jun 12 20:38:34 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 12.JUN.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)
From: jean duvivier <duvassoc at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2005.06.11 (03) [E]
Dear Ron,
I wonder if one of your knowledgeable correspondents would help me recover
the words of a song that I knew decades ago as a child in Antwerp. I recall
dribs and drabs, and am not even sure if the words are right.
"Mijn Sari Marais is so veer van mijn hart....
...oh breng me drug naar de oud Transvaal daar waar mijn Sari woon..
;;;daar onder langs de groote rivier...."
That's all I remember
Dank U wel
Jean F. Duvivier
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs
Dagsê, Jean!
It's great to hear from you again.
"Sarie Marais" happens to be the first Afrikaans song I learned as a child
or young teenager. Please find it below.
Apparently, the song was inspired by the American song "Ellie Rhee" (MIDI
tune: http://www.mieliestronk.com/ellierhee.mid):
Sweet Ellie Rhee, so dear to me
Is lost forever more
Our home was down in Tennessee
Before this cruel war
Then carry me back to Tennessee
Back where I long to be
Amid the fields of yellow corn
To my darling Ellie Rhee.
The song was written by the South African Jacobus Toerien for his wife Maré,
and it was adopted as a favorite by Afrikaaners in the Anglo-"Boer" War
(1900-1902). In the 1950s, the Australian Commando Companies adopted the
English version as their song.
Here are links to the sound of "Sarie Marais":
MP3 (Bruce Low):
MP3 (Royal Marines):
Please find the Afrikaans, French and English versions below, plus my shot
at a Low Saxon version.
My Sarie Marais is so ver van my hart,
Maar'k hoop om haar weer te sien.
Sy het in die wyk van die Mooi Rivier gewoon,
Nog voor die oorlog het begin.
O bring my trug na die ou Transvaal,
Daar waar my Sarie woon.
|: Daar onder in die mielies
By die groen doringboom,
Daar woon my Sarie Marais. :|
Ek was so bang dat die Kakies my sou vang
En ver oor die see wegstuur;
Toe vlug ek na die kant van die Upington se sand
Daar onder langs die Grootrivier.
Die Kakies is mos net soos 'n krokodille pes,
Hulle sleep jou altyd water toe;
Hul gooi jou op n skip vir 'n lange, lange trip,
Die josie weet waarnatoe.
Verlossing die kom en die huis toe gaan was daar,
Trug na die ou Transvaal;
My lieflingspersoon sal seker ook daar wees
Om my met 'n kus te beloon.
O Sari Marès,
belle amie d'autrefois,
en moi tu demeures vive.
L'amour est plus fort que la vie et que les vents;
qui peut arrêter son élan?
Je veux te revoir, o mon vieux Transvaal
plaine semée de chaumes
|: où le vent parfumé dans les arbres toujours verts
sans cesse d'amour nous parle. :|
Et quand je pris l'eau
pour quitter mes amours
le diable gonflait la voile
depuis en mon âme rien ne peut effacer
les claires images d'antan.
My Sarie Marais is so far from my heart,
And I'm longing to see her again.
She lived on a farm on the Mooi Rivers bank
Before I left on this campaign.
Oh! Bring me back to the old Transvaal!
That’s where I long to be.
|: Way yonder ’mongst the mealies
by the green thorny tree
Sarie is waiting for me. :|
I feared that the Khakies would get hold of me,
They would send me away o'er the sea.
I fled overland to the Orange River sand.
In Upington I would be free.
At last there was peace, and I started for home.
To the Transvaal I've always adored.
My Sarie Marais will be uniting there for me.
Her kiss will be my best reward.
Low Saxon (Low German), Reinhard F. Hahn, ©2005, AS spelling:
Myn Sarie Marais is wyd af vun myn hart,
Man 'k hoyp er bold wedder tou seyn.
Sey har in de krüm vun d'n Mooi-Rivier waand,
Noch eyr de oorloog an-vungen har.
O, bring my trüg na myn old Transvaal,
Daar 'neem myn Sarie waant!
|: Daar ünnen in dat mays-veld
By d'n groynen stikkel-boum,
Daar waant myn Sarie Marais. :|
Ik was so bang, dat de Bryten my schul'n vang'n
Un wyd oever de sey weg-stuyrn.
Dou kneyp ik heyl gau uut na d'n Upington syn sand,
Daar ünnen blang'n d'n Grootrivier.
Un den keym de tyd dat ik trüg-gaan kun,
Trüg na myn old Transvaal.
Myn leyvste, soyte deyrn wardt seker ook daar syn
Üm my mit 'n kuss tou beloon'n.
Low Saxon (Low German), Reinhard F. Hahn, ©2005, German-based spelling:
Mien Sarie Marais is wiet af vun mien Hart,
Man 'k hööp ehr bold wedder to sehn.
Se harr in de Krümm vun'n Mooi-Rivier wahnt,
Noch ehr' de Oorloog anfungen harr.
O, bring mi trüch na mien ool Transvaal,
Daar, 'neem mien Sarie wahnt!
|: Daar ünnen in dat Maisfeld
Bi den grönen Stickelboom,
Daar wahnt mien Sarie Marais. :|
Ik was so bang, dat de Brieten mi schull'n fang'n
Un wiet över de See wegstüürn.
Do kneep ik heel gau ut na den Upington sien Sand,
Daar ünnen blang'n den Grootrivier.
Un denn keem de Tiet, dat ik trüchgahn kunn,
Trüch na mien ool Transvaal.
Mien leefste, söte Deern ward seker ok daar sien,
Üm mi mit 'n Kuss to belohn'n.
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