LL-L "Language competency" 2005.06.28 (15) [E/LS]

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Tue Jun 28 21:37:46 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 28.JUN.2005 (15) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: Language Use

Dag, al Lowlanners, Reynhard,

(English below)

mennigmool dücht mi, wat wii tou unkrit'sch sünt, bii uns eegen
LS-Moddersprook un', allmeend, in uns Minnerheeden-Tick.
Een Deel dörft wii bi al uns Engaschemang ne vergeeten: de Tiiden, as, in
vergoon Joor'n, uns dytschet 'Platt' as 'n Sprook föör de 'Hölpschölers'
güll'n dee, hett woll wat Spoor'n mookt.


LS: _dat mookt 'n jo ne_
Normool schull jedereyn anneem'n, dat heyt G: 'das macht man ja nicht', E:
'anyone shouldn't do that'.

Man- dat ward bruukt in de Meen': G: 'das macht doch nichts', E: 'it doesn't
matter at all'.
Mi dücht, dat is een heel eygenwillig' Snack, un' mennigmool koomt mi dat
recht verkrellt vöör.
Liekers- door bün ick mit oppwussen, un' bün seeker: sou un anners ne waard
dat hier bruukt.

Is dat 'leeg' Nedderdütsch, wat ick ne bruuken schull? Ick mach 't ne doun;
ick höör tou jem, tou de Lüüd, de opp disse Oort snacken dout.


Hi, all Lowlanders and Ron,

sometimes I make some thoughts about our uncritical admiration for our (in
my case: LS) minority-languages. Could it be a kind of 'common' tic, being
within all of us, perhaps?

One thing we should never forget in our engagement: those times, when all
regional languages had been suppressed, have had their consequences. Our
languages were aspected to be 'just for uneducated people', and (for my
region I am sure) that opened some possibilities for bad abuse.

For exampel:

LS: _dat mookt 'n jo ne_
Everyone should translate it to G: 'das macht man ja nicht', E: 'anyone
shouldn't do that'.

But- it is used in an absolute different sense: G: 'das macht doch nichts',
E: 'it doesn't matter at all'.

I for myself feel it to be a very outside term, and sometimes I find it-
well, not being in accordance to all LS-rules.

But- I grew up with it, and so I'm sure: it's used this way and not

Is it kind of bad LS, at the end, I should keep off? I'd feel like a
traitor, then.


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

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