LL-L "Delectables" 2005.04.31 (04) [E]

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Sun May 1 19:39:01 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 31.APR.2005 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: Delectables

Sorry looks as though my mailing was trimmed, here's what should have been
sent out.
I'm using a new version of my Mail system on MAC's latest TIGER OS and am
still learning.

On 30/04/2005, at 1:35 AM,  jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de> wrote:
what's hiding in  'burdock roots' and 'wild poke shoots'? Unable to find
them in my dictionary.

The Other Tom recounts....
Burdock root extract is used in a soft drink I only encountered in
Yourkshire, Dandelion and Burdock.
May have been popular there but to me it tasted awful.

Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us
Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us
Robert Burns


From: Thomas Byro <greenherring at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2005.04.29 (08) [E/LS]


Yuck.  I remember the lard sandwiches all too well.  Even worse,
sandwiches made with Talc (I think that's the spelling?), you know,
beef fat.  On the other hand, I remember fondly sandwiches made with
raw bacon on our wonderful Westphalian bread, which has to be the best
bread in the world.

At the other end of the eating process was the outhouse.  In Espelkamp
the water table was so high that the foul liquid was not far below you
and you would sometimes get splashed.  It was my ambition as a little
boy that when I grew up. I was going to find some way to keep the seat
warm in the Wintertime.  With the improving economy came toilet paper.
 I remember my first experience with it quite well.  It was so
shoddily made that it head wood chips in it and you were in danger of
getting splinters in a very delicate part of your anatomy

Tom Byro


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

Hi, Tom!

> sandwiches made with Talc (I think that's the spelling?),

I think you mean "tallow" (Low Saxon _tallig_ ['talIC] ~ _talg_ [talC] ~
[talx], Eastern Friesland LS _ungel_, _German _Talg_), in cooking contexts
"suet" in English.  Mutton suet is what's traditionally used in plumpudding.
My mother only used it when cooking certain cabbage dishes and mashed
rutabagas (suedes), and I thought that was disgusting enough, especially
once the dishes cooled off.  But on sandwiches?!  Cold?!


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