LL-L "Literature" 2005.05.16 (03) [D/E/LS/German]

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Mon May 16 21:29:33 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 16.MAY.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Thomas Byro <greenherring at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2005.05.15 (01) [E]

I once had a record set produced by Carl Orff entitled Schulwerk fuer
Kinder.  Orff said that traditional childres songs incorporated
beliefs that adults had long since abandoned.  For example, he said
that Eeeny miney miney moe was used by the druids to selct a victim
for human sacrifice. A song about mother Holle( mother Hulda)
reflected previous adult belief in her as a goddess.

Tom Byro


From: Thomas Byro <greenherring at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2005.05.15 (12) [E]

My daughter forwarded a song that she and her friends sang when they
were in elementary school in Brooklyn:

We are the Brooklyn Girls
We wear our hair in curls
we wear our dungarees
high above the knees

to the tune of Ta Ra Ra Bommdeeay

Tom Byro


From: Utz H. Woltmann <uwoltmann at gmx.de>
Subject: LL-L "Literature" 2005.05.15 (01) [E]

Ron wrote:

> It's one of those examples of children's songs or other sorts of folksy
> ditties containing veiled historical information.

Moin Ron,

when I read this, it reminded me to a very old German children´s song.
It´s from the time of the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648). In WWII it
became very actual and was after WWII very well known by all children, I
think. I grew up with this sad song.

Maikäfer, flieg!
Dein Vater ist im Krieg,
deine Mutter ist in Pommerland,
Pommerland ist abgebrannt,
Maikäfer, flieg!

Utz H. Woltmann


From: Arend Victorie <victorie.a at home.nl>
Subject: Literature

Moi, Jacquelien en Reinhard

Wi’j in Nederlaand kent dat varsie ök.

Lees maor ies.

Witte zwanen zwarte zwanen

wie wil er mee naar Engeland varen

Engeland is gesloten de sleutel is gebroken

Is er dan geen timmerman

Die de sleutel maken kan.

laat door gaan,

laat door gaan,

wie achter is komt voor aan.

Maor volgens sommige mèensen hef die tekst niks mit Engeland te maken.

Maor meer mit de tekst uut Lucas 13, 22-30

In ’t aolde riempie is ’t ök niet (Wie gaat er mee naar Engeland varen}

Daorin stiet, (Wie gaat er mee naar Engel-land varen)

Daor wurdt ’t (belaofde laand) mit bedoelt

Maor dat is veur oonz allent te bereiken as wij degiene kunt bereiken

Die de sleutel maken kan.

En dat is Jezus de zeune van een tummerman.

Ök wurdt ’t wel benuumt in de mythe van ’t aovergaon

Van hier, naor ’t hiernaomaals (Holda Mythen) van Laurentius Knappert (1887)

Holda, godin van vegetale en animale vruchtbaarheid
Holda, godin van geboorte en dood.
Holda, godin van den huiselijken arbeid
Holda, godin van wind, sneeuw en zonneschijn

Ök wurdt de zwaan wal ies verwisseld mit een kever.

Een paar veurbielden.

Herrgottspferdchen fliege,

Vater ist im kriege

Mutter ist in Engelland,

Engelland ist abgebrannt

Herrgottspferdchen fliege!

Kritzkrebs fliege

Dein Vater ist im kriege

Deine Mutter ist in Engelland,

Engelland ist abgebrannt,

Hinter der kirche liegt der sand,

Ausgestreut vor Engelland.

Ök bi’j oonz

Kroene kranen

Witte zwanen,

Wie wil meê naar Engelland varen?

Engelland is gesloten

De sleutels zijn gebroken,

In Engelland

Daar stuift het zand. enz

Krûne krâne

swikkle swâne

Waner söffe no Engelland fâre?

Engelland is geslôten

De slôtel is tobrôken etc. [Mannhardt, G.M. 328]


Mariënwörmken flîg furt

Flîg furt nach Engelland

Engelland ist zugeschlossen

Schlüssel davon abgebrochen. [Omstreken van Potsdam, Mannhardt]


Arend Victorie.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Literature

Thanks, everyone.

More about early references to England, this one in Old ("High") German,
from the 13th century collection _Carmina Burana_ (made famous by Carl
Orff's compositions):

   Were diu werlt alle min
   von deme mere unze an den Rin,
   des wolt ich mih darben,
   daz diu chünegin von Engellant,
   lege an minen armen. Hei!

My translation:

   Would that all the world were mine
   From the sea onto the Rhine,
   I’d part with all its charms
   If the queen of England
   Were lying in my arms.

This is widely believed to be a reference to Eleanor of Aquitaine
(1122-1204) who was famous for her great beauty and refined manners.


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