LL-L "Education" 2005.05.21 (05) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sat May 21 19:57:22 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 21.MAY.2005 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: heather rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.05.20 (07) [E]

Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>Even at school here.<

Not where I am concerned!

I have worked as a freelance advisory teacher for modern foreign languages
since 1994 with specialisms in grammar and ICT.

I have found the mix irresistable to schools; If they don't want the one,
then they need the other!  Mostly they ask for both!

In the last 18 months I have written 2 CD ROMs to support textbooks for
pupils aged 11-14 and both contain a whole series of grammar lessons using
Grammar has been back on the agenda for some years now in the UK.  Hurrah!



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Education

That sounds really good, Heather, "exciting," to use an American term.
Congratulations!  Any chances of expansion, franchises, etc., also overseas?

> Grammar has been back on the agenda for some years now in the UK.  Hurrah!

Hurrah indeed!  I hope that, too, will spread.

 You'd be amazed how many intelligent and well-educated people here ask me
some of the most basic grammar questions.  When I explain to them the
(usually simple) rules in simple terms I inevitably get an "Ah!" or a
similar exclamation in return, and expressions like "Why didn't someone tell
me this earlier?"  Many people struggle with writing assignments
unnecessarily.  Especially people in the "hard" sciences here tend to be bad
writers and avoid writing assignments like the plague, hoping to strike it
big so they have enough funding to have peons do the writing for them.  In
most cases it is simply fear based on insecurity, insecurity based on
insufficient education.  When my wife once mentioned to a bunch of science
advisers that she'd love to find a way of combining her life sciences
background with her writing background, they thought it was quite absurd.
"Writing? We don't write."  Apparently they think of fulltime editors of
scientific publications as failed scientists ...

I am sure that a lot of anxiety would be removed from Americans' lives if
all of them were taught grammar as a part of basic education.  Of course
you'd have to "jazz" and "sex" it up to make it "entertaining," for
educators here have to be entertainers as well.

Using PowerPoint sounds like a nice choice.  I use the program a lot and
find it really useful in presentations, provided that the bells and whistles
that come with it are used sparingly and purposefully.  The nice thing is
that it allows you to set it up as self-running and that you can embed sound
and video files.

Congratulations!  Best wishes with all that, Heather!


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