LL-L "Orthography" 2005.10.30 (06) [E]
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Mon Oct 31 04:41:02 UTC 2005
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L O W L A N D S - L * 30 October 2005 * Volume 06
From: Mike Morgan <Mike.Morgan at mb3.seikyou.ne.jp>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2005.10.27 (08) [E]
R/R says:
> The generally best known cases of vowel devoicing are in Japanese (e.g.,
> /site/ _shite_ -> _shte_, /imasu/ _imasu_ -> _imas_).
Correct that: Eastern Japanese. Here in the Hanshin area, the vowels (and
little else either) are all but never "whispered" (unless you are ...
whispering, I guess). Unless you're trying to sound like a foreigner (i.e.
someone from Tokyo). And, generally speaking, we so little want to sound
like Tokyoites, that, not only do we not say "soo des" ('Thats's right'), or
even "soo desu" (like in the orthography); we say "soo desuu" with a doubly
voiced final "u"!
But closert to home for most of you guys, listen alos to most collouqial
Slovene dialects ... voiceless vowels abound.
Mike Morgan
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2005.10.30 (01) [E]
Hi, Ronny,
> Weird thingx, them Vlaminckx!
But- XXL! This "verflixt" Luc ;-)!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Orthography
Thanks for all that interesting info, MM. I had no idea about those Slovene
> But- XXL! This "verflixt" Luc ;-)!
Do you mean to say he's extra-extra large?
Yep, that Luc. Why am I not surprised? Flanders. Stomping dances, fried
potato strips ... There's Thyll Uylenspeghel, pranckxter eckxtraordinaire.
Then there's the notorious trickxter Reynard the Fockx. Now, along the same
zoological line, there's Luc the Hell Linckx. Must be something in their
water ... or beer more likely.
We Hollanders and Flat Saxons are much too prim, proper, straitlaced,
restrained and sober to be able to deal with such a frolickxome lot, aren't
Yet, we keep being strangely fascinated and attracted ...
P.S.: Oh, lookie here whose message just arrived ...
From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography"
Beste Kevin,
Right you were!
Of course I was hinting at my last name (which appeared at the end of my
Guess I was merely inspired by that one person on this list that is always
suggesting us to think outside the box...hey Ron? *s*
Luc Hellinckx
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Orthography
Hey, Luc!
Wouldn't you know it? I'll outside *your* bockx! Consonant fetish? Can you
spell "LL-L" (and I mean every time)?
> Greetinckx,
Back atcha!
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